Fire department promotes 12 lucky guys

By Meg Peters
Review Staff Writer
Twelve Orion Township fire fighters left the township board meeting extremely happy Monday night.
Finally they were granted the job security that will provide Orion Township with full time coverage.
‘It’s going to be great to have a secured position in the community that I grew up in, and protecting them is going to be great on a full time basis,? Anthony Geraci said, who was promoted from his position as a paid-on-call to full time firefighter and EMT.
In August voters determined the importance of having 24/7/365 fire protection by passing the Fire Operational Millage and to complete that hiring process Fire Chief Robert Smith and his staff promoted 12 paid-on-call firefighters to full time positions.
Full time coverage will guarantee that at least one firefighter will be stationed at each of the four stations in Orion Township on a 24-hour basis. Before paid-on-callers stuck close to home.
Fourteen paid-on call-fire fighters were eligible for the positions, and were interviewed twice, first by four fire chiefs from surrounding departments and then by a panel including Smith, Assistant Chief Don Pender, Assistant Chief Jeff Stout and Trustee Donni Steel.
The panel unanimously recommended’David R. Crabtree, Eric D. Florence, Anthony R. Geraci, Kyle M. Hagan, Brian L. Hearns, Erick F. Hunter, Christopher A. LaGerould, Brian A. Reynolds, Christian C. Szadyr, Mitch R. Tarrance, Charles E. Thompson II and’Mitchell T. Wither to fill the new positions.
Starting pay rate is $15 per hour with a top hourly rate of $15.75 at the completion of their six-month probationary period. They will also get hooked up with benefits according to the township’s insurance policy.
The 2015 township budget was planned to include the additional hiring of these 12 full time positions.
Their full time commitment to the township will begin January 1, 2015.
‘It feels excellent, most definitely I feel accomplished. I look forward to filling the shoes of our past fire marshal Robert Smith,? Fire Marshall Jeff Williams said. He was previously the fire inspector.
Perhaps most relieved, excited and honored is Chief Smith, who has worked to correlate the promotions of these men before January 1.
‘It feels awesome to have it all done. This is a big undertaking for this department and I’m excited to be a part of it and to give the community the best support we can,? Smith said.
Now to equip them, Supervisor Chris Barnett said at the meeting.
The passage or denial of the fire equipment millage on the General Election ballot Nov. 4 will determine if these full time firefighters receive updated turnout gear and other sorely needed equipment for the years to come, Smith said.

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