Having a child go missing is a parent’s worst nightmare.
But thanks to the Oxford Fire Fighters Union, moms and dads will be prepared to assist in search efforts by providing law enforcement agencies with valuable information about their kids should the unthinkable happen.
Last week, International Association of Fire Fighters Local 4763 distributed 302 child ID kits from the National Child Identification Program to every kindergartner enrolled in the Oxford school district. Kits were handed out at four elementary schools. Daniel Axford received 126, Lakeville got 70, Clear Lake 68 and Leonard 38.
Each kit allows parents to fingerprint their children, collect DNA samples via saliva and record information such as eye and hair color, height, weight and blood type. There’s a section to provide details regarding the location and type of birthmarks, moles, scars, previously broken bones and prosthetics. There’s also a place to affix a recent photograph of the child.
Union President Kevin Snell said it’s important for parents to have these details on hand because “in the event of an emergency, it’s hard to remain calm (and) recollect basic information about your child.”
“Most of the time, parents don’t really have enough information about their child when law enforcement comes,” he noted. “As a parent, that’s not necessarily something that we’re always prepared to do or prepared to handle.”
The kit is designed for children ages 4 to 18. It has spaces to update height and weight regularly and it’s recommended that children’s photos be updated annually.
Due to privacy and safety concerns, Snell said some parents are “afraid” to have personal information about their children stored in any type of national database.
But the details contained in these kits do not automatically go into a computer system. Each kit remains in the hands of parents or guardians until needed.
“The only time your kid will end up in a database is if they end up missing,” Snell said.
Snell encouraged parents to store their kits someplace safe in their homes and take them along whenever they travel with their children. “It’s just an envelope, so it’s not like it’s super bulky or takes up a lot of space (in a suitcase),” he said.
This is the third consecutive year the firefighters union has provided ID kits to Oxford students.
Going forward, Snell said the union’s goal is to distribute kits to each new crop of kindergartners, so “every child will always be covered.”
“As long as I’m here, hopefully, we continue this tradition,” he said.
To accomplish this, the union needs to raise approximately $1,000 annually, according to Snell.
Donations can be dropped off at Oxford Fire Station #1. The address is 96 N. Washington St.
Potential donors can reach Snell by sending an email to ksnell@oxfordfiredept.com.
For more information about the child ID kits, visit childidprogram.com.
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