Fund established to help pay shooting victim’s medical bills

Jordayna Barrett’s road to recovery following her tragic shooting Sept. 9 is going to be a long and expensive one.
That’s why the family has established ‘The Jordayna Barrett Benefit Fund? to enable members of the public to financially aid the family in paying her medical expenses.
Unfortunately, the shooting left Jordayna with a bullet lodged 2 centimeters from her brain, a fractured cheek bone and shattered growth plate.
The bullet entered her face on the left side, just under her eye, and lodged next to her ear. Due its location, the bullet was unable to be removed and may be inside her for life.
Doctors believe Barrett may have paralysis on the left side of her face. Time will tell if this will heal.
Barrett’s going to need extensive physical therapy and possibly additional surgeries to correct her jaw and repair tissue damage.
Those wishing to donate to Barrett’s fund can do so by either visiting any branch of TCF Bank or clicking on the Pay Pal link located at the bottom of the ‘Jordayna Barrett Benefit Fund? page.
Jordayna’s mother was laid off a few months ago and although her father still works as a hi-low driver, the additional medical expenses are a burden on the family.
Barrett’s family wished to thank everyone who’s been supportive of them through this terrible situation.
‘The support and genuine concern extended to us over these past few difficult days from family, friends and even strangers lets us take comfort in knowing that we are not alone in dealing with this tragedy,? the family said in a prepared statement.
The family extended a special thanks to the paramedics from the Oxford Fire Department and the doctors and nurses at Royal Oak Beaumont Hospital.

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