Goals set for new DDA director

Joe Frost, the new executive director for the Oxford Downtown Development Authority (DDA), received his marching orders last week.
The DDA board voted 9-0 to approve a list of goals for Frost, who started work July 6.
Frost explained the purpose of these goals is to define what the board expects from him and have something in place to use as a ‘benchmark? or a ‘baseline? to measure his progress when it comes time to evaluate his performance.
Establishing a ‘positive image and relationships? with DDA district businesses and the community in general was first on the list.
To help accomplish this, Frost is expected to actively use social media, keep the DDA website up-to-date and develop a newsletter.
Frost informed the board he’s created an Instagram account, so now photos can be instantly uploaded to the DDA’s Facebook page. He noted the DDA gained 10 new followers on Facebook and 11 on Instagram.
‘We’re almost to 200 followers total on Facebook, which is great because that way when we put out (information about) events, that’s 200 people that can automatically see those posts,? Frost said. ‘That’s something I’m going to continue to plug away (at).?
‘I would like to see the DDA director get more involved with OCTV (Oxford Community Television),? added DDA Board Member Bill Dunn, who also serves as township supervisor. He believes OCTV is a good communications resource.
Frost mentioned to the board he’s been meeting face-to-face with various business owners and the reception they’ve given him has been ‘very welcoming? and ‘very positive.?
He noted he’s heard some concerns from them about there being too many restaurants downtown and not enough retail stores.
Dunn told Frost it’s ‘very important? he continues to meet ‘with all the businesses in the DDA (district).?
‘There’s always been a lot of attention given to the four corners down here,? he said. ‘I want you to remember that (the district) extends past the (traffic) light here in town to the south and to the north. And to the east and west.?
Dunn believes the DDA needs to ‘make sure? all the district’s businesses are provided with adequate information and ‘any help we may be able to give them.?
‘Please don’t forget these people because they do feel left out,? he said.
‘Business development? is another of Frost’s goals. He’s expected to accomplish this by working with Oakland County to make resources available to potential developers and by creating an inventory list of buildings, storefronts and vacant lots within the downtown that are either for sale or lease.
Frost told the board he wants this list to be accessible through the DDA website.
Dunn noted he would like to see Frost take an active role as part of the township’s Economic Development Subcommittee (EDSC). The DDA director already has a seat on it.
‘What happens in the village really does affect what happens in the township and vice versa,? Dunn said.
Other director goals include developing and encouraging DDA volunteers, planning/coordinating official DDA/Main Street events and programs, and building a ‘positive relationship? with Main Street Oakland County.

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