Haunted House a frightening success

Who says scaring the you-know-what out of people can’t be a profitable venture?
Not Oxford-Addison Youth Assistance.
The group’s Haunted House fund-raiser – dubbed Nightmare on Burdick St.: The Purple Gang Rides Again – “netted close to $4,000” in its 10 days of operation, according to OAYA Caseworker Hank Szlenkier.
“I’m always awed and humbled by this community’s support,” he said.
Proceeds from the event will be put toward efforts to move the 19th century, wooden carriage barn located behind 38 E. Burdick St. to another location (possibly Scripter Park) and use it for Youth Assistance-related activities.
If the barn project is ultimately determined to be unfeasible, Szlenkier said the money will be channeled into other Youth Assistance programs.
Indigo Financial Group pledged to donate $250 to the barn project every time a customer obtains a mortgage through the company and mentions Youth Assistance, Szlenkier added.
Szlenkier explained that conducting the Haunted House was a “true grassroots effort.”
“People came out of the woodwork offering donations of money and materials,” he said. “It was a true pleasure to the see the community rise to the occasion.”
According to Szlenkier, certain volunteers went above and beyond the call of duty to make the fund-raiser a reality, like Marcie McKinnon,
McKinnon was the artistic director who’s creativity, vision and considerable talents transformed 38 E. Burdick St. into a ghastly hideout for the ghosts of the infamous Purple Gang and their tragic victims.
“Without her, it never would have happened,” Szlenkier said.
Volunteers Sam and Sandy Troutwine deserve many thanks for their tireless efforts.
“Sandy was the only one who was there every day,” Szlenkier said, while Sam “almost single-handedly” chopped (using a machete) all the stalks used to construct the haunted corn maze leading to the house.
Szlenkier estimated Sam personally hauled “30 or 40” loads of corn stalks in his small pickup truck.
OAYA also owes a debt of gratitude to volunteer Jim Kelsey, who “jumped in at the last minute” and did “all the major building in the house.”
“He put up walls, built (access) ramps, and worked with the insurance inspector and fire marshall to bring everything up to code,” Szlenkier said.
Szlenkier wished to recognized all the sponsors who made the Haunted House possible including Oxford Meijer, Fatty’s Pizzeria, Huntoon Funeral Home, Indigo Financial Group, A.W.E. Construction, Oxford Bank, Oxford Ace Hardware, Patterson Prescription Pharmacy, Poopy’s Potties, The Oxford Leader, Oxford Farm & Garden, The Honorable Judges of the 52-3 District Court: Julie A. Nicholson, Lisa L. Asadoorian and Nancy Tolwin Carniak, Royal Roofing, Louis Burny (Master Electrician), Frosty Boy, Myer Family (Charlie, Aileen and Michael), ABC Tumble Bus, Ridgelawn Memorial Cemetery, LW Design, Stitch N Style and Nihranz Landscaping, Inc.
For more information about Oxford-Addison Youth Assistance or to volunteer call (248) 628-6710.

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