I know there are all sorts of “National” or “International” days and months for all sorts of things. I just celebrated National Cheeseburger Day last Wednesday, September 18 with a Yeti Burger from Bunkhouse Burgers in Clarkston. (I recommend that burger).
I’ve written about World Naked Gardening Day, but I haven’t put words to paper about National Hangover Day (January 1), nor have I opined on National Kiss a Ginger Day (Jan 12). I wish I would have known about National Lumpy Rug Day (May 3) and National Crayon Collection Month (August), as those could have been interesting columns. Every day there is something fun to celebrate, you just gotta’ be in the know or you just have to give a hoot. Earlier this month, like way back on Sept. 4 (which, by the way, was both National Newspaper Carrier Day and National Macadamia Nut Day) one of my favorite librarian types, Kara K., informed me of yet another thing I did not know.
September is Be Kind to Writers and Editors Month. This is one celebration which needs to get some better public relations working, because I have been mistreated this month. Be Kind to Writers and Editors Month has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? And, I just know all you social media darlings — the trolls and trollups, and Negative Nellies and Terrible Teds out there were just waiting for a reason to put down your snarky one-liners and to be nice to individuals of my persuasion.
Just cool your jets for a few more days — let sunshine and happiness, pictures of puppies and kitties wash over and envelop your consciousness. Be one with the Positive Paulas and Constructive Carls. I have confidence in you! I believe in you. I know you can keep your smarminess in check for just a few days. Let’s do this!
For the rest of the month, send some good wishes my way, or if that is too much to ask, think of another writer type or editor and send them your positive vibes. However, I still think your best bet, if you like, is to send me cards, or gifts of personalized pencils (No. 2 lead, please), cash or coffee or food vouchers — or just send me some topics to write about. I’m not asking for much — just as much as I can get!
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Speaking of months, did you know the next two months (October and November) are the worst for deer versus vehicle accidents in Michigan? Yup. It’s true. According the Michigan State Police, there are about 50,000 car-deer accidents a year in our great Mitten State.
Something like 80 percent of these crashes happen on two lane roads when we’re heading to work around dawn and when we’re heading home from work, around dusk. I hopped online and one source said nearly a quarter of these accidents, 23.8 percent, happen between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. Oakland County is the worst county for these kinds of accidents.
The latest numbers I can find for Oakland are from 2017. In 2017, there were 50,949 accidents in the state; 1,765 in Oakland County. The next most car-deer accidents happened in Kent County, with 1,572 reported. In Genesee County there were 964 such accidents. (The most up-to-date numbers I could find for Atlas Township was from 2015, when there were 53 car-deer accidents reported.)
I started snooping around ye’ old interwebs and fell down a little bit of a rabbit hole. The worst community to live in, or the community you have the best chance to hit a deer in, is Rochester Hills. In 2017, there were 166 car-deer accidents reported. Farmington Hills had 103.
Locally, in 2017 here are the numbers:
Independence Township — 79
Orion Township — 78
White Lake Township —71
Springfield Township — 68
Brandon Township —68
Holly Township — 65
Oxford Township — 64
Addison Township — 45
Groveland Township — 40
Waterford Township — 39
That’s 617 accidents locally! I went further down the hole and found this from CarStar.com, “… (in 2017) Nearly 70 percent of CARSTAR store owners estimate the average cost of a deer-related collision repair is between $2,500 and $4,999, while some five percent of repairs are between $5,000 and $10,000.”
Wow! If I did my numbers correctly, and my No. 2 pencil worked its magic with my math skills, that’s like $1.5 million plus in repairs. Be on the look out, kids!
Send your kind words and thoughts to DontRushDon@gmail.com
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