From the von Trapps to the Jacksons to the Osmonds, the world of music has included a number of famous family acts over the years.
The Holts aren’t legends like the aforementioned families, but they are well-known in the Oxford area. Bob, Jesse, Andrew, Bryan and Andrea Holt, along with some of their friends, will perform a special concert to raise money for The Every Child Fund, which supports Boston Children’s Hospital.
They will bring their vocal and instrumental talents to the stage of LakePoint Community Church at 1550 W. Drahner Rd. on Sunday, Jan. 13. Showtime is 6 p.m.
The Holts will perform two 45-minute sets, featuring praise and worship music as well as contemporary songs.
“It’s going to be a good mix,” said Laura Holt, one of the concert’s organizers and a 2002 Lake Orion High School graduate.
Between sets there will be an intermission during which desserts will be served and folks will have an opportunity to bid on a variety of silent auction items.
Tickets are available for a suggested donation of $20 and can be obtained by calling the church at (248) 628-0038 or sending an email to Laura at LorABeth18@hotmail.com. Tickets will also be available at the door.
Approximately 125 tickets have been sold thus far, according to Laura, who noted there’s room for 300 people.
In October, Laura launched a personal campaign to raise $10,000 for The Every Child Fund. She will be running in the Boston Marathon on April 15 as part of the Boston Children’s Hospital’s fund-raising team.
So far, she’s collected about $5,000 in donations. “We are halfway there,” Laura said.
Laura’s dedicated herself to this cause because in 2017, the world-renowned medical facility twice saved the life of her daughter Lucy, who’s now 2 years old.
Lucy is the granddaughter of Bob Holt, the current associate pastor and former senior pastor of LakePoint Community Church.
Little Lucy underwent two major surgeries in Boston, one to repair more than 15 holes n her heart and one to rid her liver of cancer.
Today, the toddler is thriving.
“Lucy is awesome,” Laura said. “She’s busy. She’s keeping us on our toes. She’s very, very active.”
Two scans and tumor marker testing performed last month showed Lucy is “cancer-free,” according to her mother.
Given everything Boston Children’s Hospital did for little Lucy, Laura wants to pay it forward by ensuring other families with kids facing serious medical issues have equal access to the same resources, the same caring and the same support that her family did. She believes helping The Every Child Fund is the best way to do that.

The fund provides patients’ families with housing, meal and parking vouchers, stress-relief services, support sessions and interpreters. For patients, the fund pays for time with therapy dogs and music therapists, art supplies and celebrations for holidays and birthdays. The fund also benefits the pediatric research center as it seeks new treatments and cures.
Much of the money Laura has raised to this point was derived from the sale of t-shirts she created.
The front features a drawing of an arrow with the words “Be Brave” and “#littlelucysheart.” Printed on the back is the Boston Children’s Hospital motto, “Until Every Child is Well.”
“I can’t believe how many we’ve sold,” Laura said. “We’ve sold 252 t-shirts so far. My original goal was just to sell 100. I can’t believe how generous people have been for this cause.”
Laura loves seeing all the photos folks having been sending her showing them wearing the t-shirts.
“It’s been a very cool thing,” she said.
T-shirts are available for purchase here under the campaign name “Little Lucy’s Heart.”
To donate directly to Laura Holt’s campaign, click here and enter her name to access her fund-raising page.
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