A very thirsty public has been wondering when o’ when will the HomeGrown Brewing Company finally open its doors in downtown Oxford and begin dispensing its sudsy goodness to those craving libations.
“I get two or three calls a week,” said co-owner John Powers, of Addison Township.
His reply to folks, “As soon as we can,”
“Realistically, we’re probably looking (at) early fall,” Powers noted.
Powers and his wife, Marie, are working to establish a craft brewery, complete with full restaurant, inside the former Oxford Veterans Memorial Civic Center, located at 28 N. Washington St.
Originally, HomeGrown Brewing Company was expected to open some time in either May or June, but the Powers made a few changes to their plans in order to create “exactly what we want” and this delayed things.
Rest assured, progress has been made.
“Most of the demo is done,” Powers said.

During the process, they’ve discovered original brickwork, an arched window and some wooden flooring.
“Most of the surprises we’ve found have been good things,” Powers said. “We really haven’t found anything that’s a negative.”
Although the taps aren’t ready to pour, HomeGrown Brewing Company has announced its permanent beer menu.
It will include a smooth cream ale, a zesty Belgian wheat, an Australian-hopped IPA, a nutty brown ale, a rich, dark stout and a final beer that was selected by a vote of the people via Facebook.
It’s called Whamber Ale and it’s a cross between a traditional amber style and a wheat beer. “It’s a pretty malty wheat beer,” Powers said.
In addition to the permanent menu, HomeGrown Brewing will also feature a selection of small-batch brews that will change with the weather. Flavors include pumpkin, coffee and raspberry wheat.
“We’ve got something for every season,” Powers said.
Powers noted they have hired a chef, but they’re not ready to release his name at this point. “We will be announcing that shortly,” he said.
Powers described him as a “farm-to-table-type chef,” who graduated from culinary school and has a background in brewing.
“He fits in very, very well with our family-type business,” he said. “That’s one of the reasons he was really interested in coming to work for us.”
The Powers’ vision for the HomeGrown Brewing Company includes a large dining area, sitting room, a beer garden out back and an upstairs event hall.
It’s estimated the new downtown establishment will generate 16 to 20 full and part-time jobs and initially be able to accommodate approximately 100 customers.
Powers indicated he’s just as anxious as the public for his place to open.
“I just want to get in and start brewing beer,” he said.
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