It’s all about business this week

Lest I forget (again, for the 5th time in six weeks), I needed to mention a good deed. Michael White works in our press room in Oxford. On the payday before Christmas he cashed his check at the Oxford Branch of Oxford Bank.
Well, seems he was short-changed, by about a quarter. Teller Jennifer C., figured out her error by the end of the day knew whom she owed the money and knew he worked here at the paper. She didn’t know how to contact Mike. She called us, we called him, he got his quarter and all was right with the world.
Mike didn’t care about the quarter, but he did want to make sure Jennifer was recognized.
Good job, Jennifer!
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Speaking of local businesses . . . one of my favorites is Critter Catchers (they are the local vermin take-care-of’ers). David Kugler, Critter Catchers president, is a local dude raised in the area, went to college, came back, started his business, got married, grew his business and his family. And, now he’s trying to give back to the community.
Last week, Dave emailed me about a grant he set up for local 4-H’ers. The Agricultural and Social Entrepreneurship Grant is for 4-H’ers who aspire to be successful entrepreneurial types when they grow up.
In his e-mail he harkened back to the day when, as a lad in Oxford, he raised ringneck pheasants to help replenish the population. Said he, ‘The program really helped me understand the importance project management at a young age. After investing in the pens and putting in all that hard work to raise the pheasants, I developed a deep sense of accomplishment.?
And, lo-and-behold, he successfully went into critter management. For more information about Critter Catchers Agricultural and Social Entrepreneurship Grant, contact Patricia Waugh at Lapeer County Extension, 810-667-0343 or
And, if you have problems bats, rats, mice, ‘coons, moles and more call Dave at Critter Catchers.
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Then I got another e-mail from another local, about another business I am very familiar with. Debbie Barnowsky (who used to be Debbie Walden when she lived down the hill from me as we grew up and went to school in Clarkston) e-mailed me about her business . . . well Snelling Staffing Services in Auburn Hills, isn’t her business . . . it’s actually owned by another of our classmates from the Class of ?81, Sheila Ryan (now Shelia Ryan-Felker, who still lives in Clarkston).
Snelling also employs a couple of other Clarkston grads, Terri Blome-Etter and my very own sister Barbara Felker. Yep, if that name looks familiar, it should — you just read it four lines ago. Clarkston kids Shelia Ryan and Barb Rush married the Felker brothers (Ortonvillans) Kurt and Jeffy, respectively.
All this leads to the e-mail from Debbie (and I can connect her to another Oxford business another Clarkston business, but that would take too long and I am running out of space). Seems Snelling is cosponsoring a program called Talent Town. It’s geared to senior level management and HR professionals with hard-to-fill, skilled positions. ‘A variety of experts will discuss issues critical to work force development ? the attraction, development and retention of talent in our region.? Program dates are Thursday (Feb 9), April 12, Sept. 27 and Nov. 8. For more info call 248-373-7500.
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AND, I have yet to visit Blackthorne Pub in Holly, but I hear they have a wonderful menu . . . and is owned and operated by Clarkston resident, Rory Kelly.
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And, AND . . . this week is the deadline for our 41st annual Progress edition, where business owners can purchase an ad, and get a half page story and photo. It’s a great deal as the business folks can tell their story, why they are excited about doing business locally, what’s new and put themselves and workers in the picture.
This is important because locals do business with people, not buildings. If you have not yet signed up, for this section, which runs in mid-March, give me a call.
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Finally, a sad so-long to Gracye Warren, longtime Clarkston music teacher. Gracye died last week, at the age of 68. She always made me smile, even when she tried to teach me how to play the piano, which I sucked at.

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