It’s not just big, it’s super!

You hold in your hands a piece of history, something that’s sure to become a collectible.
It’s not just your average, mild-mannered copy of the Oxford Leader. No, sir.
This is the first-ever Super Oxford Leader.
Exactly what’s so ‘super? about it?
Good question, Jimmy.
This edition is a combination of the Oxford Leader, a subscription newspaper that’s faithfully covered the community since 1898, and the Ad-Vertiser, a paper filled with ads that’s been mailed weekly to every household in the Oxford area, free of charge, since 1961.
All of the ads from local businesses and classifieds seen weekly in the Ad-Vertiser are also regularly published in the Oxford Leader.
However, Leader readers get the added value of staying informed with timely and relevant local news, viewing fun photos from community events and reading interesting feature stories about their neighbors.
The Super Oxford Leader is something we hope to publish on a monthly basis to pique your interest in the town and subscribing to our community newspaper.
Have a super time reading your super newspaper. To subscribe, call (248) 628-4801.

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