Junior Auxiliary Group forming

Oxford’s American Legion Ladies Auxiliary Unit 108 is forming a Junior Auxiliary Group and local families are invited to learn more by attending the kickoff meeting at Walter Fraser Post 108, located at 130 E. Drahner Rd., on Sunday, Nov. 9 at 5 p.m.
Sisters, daughters, granddaughters and great granddaughters of American Legion members are eligible to join.
Also eligible for membership are female relatives of men and women who served in the Armed Forces during any of the American Legion’s eligibility dates, living or deceased with an honorable discharge.
Junior Auxiliary members must be under the age of 18. Members will learn about Americanism and the meaning of the nation’s flag, engage in volunteer work and develop leadership skills.
While learning and growing, Junior Auxiliary members will earn credit for school, make new friends, have fun and participate in community events.
Those wishing to attend the Nov. 9 kick-off meeting are asked to RSVP by calling Bonnie Burdette-Wood at (248) 318-4564 or Pat Marvar at (248) 892-5408.

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