Kids get too many meds, speakers say

Are childhood vaccines and drug therapy the cause of some chronic illnesses like autism and ADHD?
Mary Tocco, who serves on the World Association for Vaccine Education board of directors, and local pharmacist and Indpendence Township resident Frank Granett think so.
‘It is our moral and ethical obligation to seek out more appropriate, innovative methods of addressing these neurological and physiological problems plaguing this generation,? Tocco said at the seminar ‘Overmedicating Our Youth,? June 5, at Clarkston High School.
During her talk, attended by over 100 people, Tocco shared data she’s gathered over 30 years of researching.
‘U.S. infants get three times more vaccines than any other country,? she said. ‘Twenty-five percent of kids are on anti-depressants.?
From Tocco’s perspective, ‘medication shouldn’t be our first option; we must be willing to look outside the box.?
Frank Granett, whose book Over Medicating Our Youth was published this year, agrees with Tocco.
‘Our current system of treating children and young adults with behavioral conditions needs reform,? he said.
Granett has founded the Coalition Against Over Medicating Our Youth, which offers free assessments of children who use drug therapy. Through those assessments, families find other methods to aid their children with behavioral conditions. Some of those methods are as simple as altering food choices.
In addition to reducing vaccinations and drug therapy, Tocco advises parents to ‘make sure products are green and not toxic? and use ‘organic growers? to prevent and treat illnesses like autism. To find out more, go to

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