On Sunday, Oct. 29 from 12:30 to 1 p.m., the Sunday School kids from Immanuel Congregational United Church of Christ (1 Hovey St.) will go door-to-door handing out candy as a random act of kindness.
Three blocks surrounding Immanuel Church will be involved, including Dennison from Washington St. to Pontiac St., Hovey St. from Dennison to Park St and Park street from Hovey to Pontiac St.
Other kids are invited to join us for a hot dog roast and Halloween party immediately after all the candy has been handed out. Activities will include crafts, games and face painting. There is no charge for this event, but children who are unattended require a permission slip from their parents or guardian. For more info, call Roxanne at (248) 628-6872.
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