Last call for care package donations

American Legion Post 63 members, Clarkston students, and volunteers packed and shipped 200 care packages for troops overseas, Dec. 2. But they have a list of 300 names, postage paid.
“That means 100 of our names that we had would not be receiving anything,” said Peg Roth, American Legion Auxiliary member. “We decided to make a last minute attempt to see how many more we can fill.”
One last packing party of the season is set for Thursday, Dec. 9, at American Legion Post 63 hall.
Donations can be dropped off at the Clarkston News building, 5 S. Main Street; American Legion Hall, 8047 Ortonville Road; or Clarkston Mills, 20 W. Washington.
“Or call me at 248-462-3008 and I will make arrangements to have them picked up,” Roth said. “Thank you for any donations you are able to make and if you prefer to contribute money, checks need to be made out to ‘American Legion Unit 63’ and we will do the shopping.”
Items requested by troops include writing paper, ink pens, white socks, roll on/stick deodorant, hand sanitizer, baby wipes, UV chapstick, cotton swabs, toothpaste, toothbrushes, lotion, sunscreen, bath gel, body wash, flea collars, twin sheets, pillowcases, shampoo, protein bars, batteries, hard candy, playing cards, cds, paperback books, gum, disposable razors, shaving cream, and powder drinks.
‘And anything else you may think might bring them a smile,? Roth said.
‘I like the soldiers help us,? said Phoebe Savoie, Bailey Lake student who volunteered at the Dec. 2 packing party. ‘I send them thank you notes and give them presents.?
First grader Luke Ludd said he was donating some stuff for the troops. His sister Quinn agreed.
‘I’m here for stuff for troops,? she said.
Dozens of students from Bailey Lake and Sashabaw Middle School teamed up with the American Legion to pack boxes for shipment to troops overseas hjopefully in time for Christmas.
‘Today we helped pack up requested items and random items for the troops,? said student Kate Regowski. ‘It was really fun.?
‘It was fun packing the boxes,? Mary McKillop said.
Fellow student Alana Green agreed.
‘It was great way of helping out the people overseas defending our country and protecting our freedom,? she said. ‘I’ve done it before, so it’s really fun to do it again.?
Middle school teachers Carolyn Savoie and Missy Ludd said many of the items such as bug spray, wet wipes, sunscreen, sun glasses and popsicles, were from their ‘Beat the Heat? drive they did last spring for the troops, as part of a school project.
However, they sent the boxes to a PO Box and received all 35 boxes back.
‘The postage cost a lot of money and they would not reimburse us to get it down to the correct spot,? Savoie said.
‘So we got in touch with Bonnie and Anne and they actually came over and picked up all the boxes and these are the items we ship tonight,? Ludd said.
Megan Forshey said packing the boxes went really fast.
‘It was just crazy,? she said. ‘Those soldiers are going to be happy.?
Jenna Summerville agreed.
‘It felt really good helping people who help us,? Summerville said.

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