Leader Question of the Week:

Since we got no traction with the last question, here’s a NEW Leader question of the week. Please respond. Question: “Are you voting by mail or in person, and why?” We had over 70 people respond — thank you! Here are some of the responses:

Kevin Kadrich: In person. No particular reason other than it’s convenient and easy and the volunteers at the polls work so hard and are so tremendous!
Amanda Blakley Michael King: I’m voting in person because I want it voted the same day plus I like the “I voted” sticker.
Melissa Hanks Ketchel: In person. I am a healthy adult who can walk in and vote. Also I am not 100% confident in the USPS.
Lynn Marie Vittetoe: My husband and I are voting absentee but plan to use a ballot drop box. I want to have time to really research my decisions this year and fill out the ballot as I do so
Marjie Tobias Wittbrodt McGinnis: By mail and delivering it to the Ballot Drop Box. It is convenient and safe. But, I am confident in the USPS to deliver all those received in a timely manner. That being said, please be sure to read the instructions to ensure your ballot is completed correctly. And dont forget to sign and date in the appropriate spaces.
Cassie Kubina: My husband and I are voting absentee so that we have time to look up all of the options of candidates to make a more informed decision with out all the pressure.
Robert Ryan Zvonek: In person, I want my vote counted same day and have no fear about going out in public or being around others.
Shannon Fehlberg: In person because there isn’t any reason for me not to.
Kristin Chisholm: In person. If I can wait in line at Meijer, I can wait to vote in person!
Jennifer Innes: In person, as is my husband. I see no reason why we shouldn’t? We are healthy adults who can wait in line, walk up and fill in our answers and put our ballot in the machine. No need to use the mail service.
Heather Shellnut Hillary: I dropped my ballot into the ballot drop box. So, is this considered voting in person since I didn’t use the USPS to return my ballot?
Rod Charles: For absentee voters it is convenient to drop off a completed ballot at Township offices. In doing so there is no worry about your vote not being counted because of mail delays
Mary Margaret Sabov-Garavaglia: In person . . . want to make sure it doesn’t get lost in the mail.
Lisa Jakuszeski Terry: In person! I feel that’s the most secure way to vote these day
Lisa Foster: I voted absentee – I prefer to be able to take my time and read through everything before I cast my vote. It is too important to rush a decision.
Doug Shelton: I started voting by mail in every election when I turned 60. It allowed me to decide my votes one at a time and which ones needed more research. This time I used the drop box because it is easier for me to get to the township hall than the post office with all the construction going on.
Debbie McCarty Mick: In person … always! I like to fill it out and hand to the election volunteers. Never trusted the mail unless I pay more for tracking.
Leanne Terry: My husband and I have voted absentee for YEARS ! We like to take our time with our decision but we always drop them off at the township.
Pam Lusk Schweitzer: By mail in ballot, but I will drop it off. It’s more convenient for me with my work hours.
Heather Benedict Hull: I will do absentee ballot only because I am working the election so I will not be able to go to my location to vote.
Bill Offer: I’ve been using absentee ballots for quite a while now. It’s easier. No standing in lines!
Diane Giroux: My husband and I are voting in person. We always have and feel more confident that our votes will be counted properly.
Mary Mueller: In person because I will stay clean and safe. I love voting day!
Danna Wixson Olson: In Person. Healthy adult. No reason not to go in and vote in person.
Allison Sarka: I vote absentee because I work full time, have 3 kids, and volunteer my time at polls before and after work on Election Day!!
Cindy Fremstad Hoffman: Dropping ours off at the township in the ballot box — because we can.
Jim Frisch: I have voted adsentee for the last few years due to travel and now it’s an age thing. My wife daughter and I have received our requested ballots and will yes the drop box.
Paula Thomas: I am definitely voting in person. I will crawl on my hands and knees if I have I have to. And if someone needs a ride to the election poll I can help out. Please please please please please do not mail your ballot
Doug Kutchen: By mail, but dropping off myself at the ballot box. The reason is simply convenience. I don’t want to hear any more nonsense about mail-in voting. It would work better if legislators who are afraid of losing would cooperate and allow early processing.
Melissa Scott-Stpierre: By mail. I don’t want to go out just yet so better an abundance of caution.
Carol Olander Stubenrauch: Absentee ballot but using the drop box so it doesnt get lost in the US mail.
Mattiello TL: In person. Absolutely for sure! It should be a national holiday and everyone should NOT WORK!!!! I can’t wait to go and cast my vote in person!

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