Letters To The Editor

Details count with single waste hauler plan

I read the article about Oxford Township’s hearing set for April 12 where single trash hauler is to be discussed. I like the idea of a single trash hauler. But details, details can make or break any good plan.

I have experience in Waterford and Bloomfield with the service of a single hauler – Bloomfield with at least 20 years and Waterford with just two years. I liked both services. Waterford was $41 a quarter and included yard waste and trash and one bulk item per month. In Bloomfield it was $49 a quarter which included yard waste, trash, recycling and most everything else.

In your article, there was no mention by the three person committee as to the cost and services to all of us in Oxford. Don’t get me wrong, single hauler is a good idea, but details count.

I put out one 13-gallon trash bag a week, which means once every five weeks I may fill my trash can. At the same time, many of my neighbors have trash lined up at the side of their trash cans as overflow. If I have one pickup a month, then my cost should reflect the services I receive.

Thank you,

Daniel Davis,

Oxford Township

Thank you, Josh

Thank you Josh Schriver for doing exactly what you said you would do during your campaign.

Tim Clark,


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