Letters to the Editor

Against single waste hauler ordinance
Once again I am encouraging township residents to oppose the proposed ordinance to adopt a single waste hauler.
The basis for my concern is mostly economic, as I do believe competition results in the best for all. Without competition we are at the mercy of the provider. Consider the internet providers of this community. If there was only one company providing that service, the cost and service would be at their discretion alone.
Reasons given for the single provider include road wear and traffic safety. Road wear? I haven’t seen or heard anyone complaining about the tandem trailers from our gravel pits that cause considerable damage to our roads. Here’s an idea – let’s reduce the load limits. Or, have them pay for road maintenance.
As for safety, if there is a problem with the current drivers, shouldn’t their companies be notified to take appropriate actions? Who can guarantee safety?
Single provider for five years equals loss of competition, higher rates, loss of right to choose. It’s my choice!
Dennis Mlynarek
Oxford Twp.
A lot of tax increases in Oxford Twp.
I just opened my Aug. 6 official ballot return envelope from the township.
I was surprised to see that an 11.5% increase to the police operating service was added. Due for the next four years.
Don’t get me wrong. We need the police. When we gave them the fairly new police station behind the Township Hall, not a problem. When they asked for more police officers, they got them. I don’t remember any police proposal being turned down in Oxford. They do a fine job.
But with the recent 30% increase in the sewer rate, a recent 4.9% property tax increase to our summer taxes and most likely winter taxes, and with more new Oxford tax increase proposals expected in November during the Presidential Election that’s a lot of tax increases coming to Oxford households.
Yes, inflation has been up. No question about that. We can debate how that happened, but with the 11.5% increase in year one, and for the next four years on top of increases we now have and expect in the future. That’s a lot of increases.
Daniel Davis Jr.
Editor’s note: the proposed Oxford Township police millage will appear on the Aug. 6 Primary Election ballot, and is not an automatic tax increase. Voters will have to approve the millage request.

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