Lights! Camera! Big Jim!

Oxford Leader columnist James A. Sherman, Sr. (left) is expanding his influence in local media from the pages of this newspaper to the airwaves of public access television. Sherman, who served as the Leader’s publisher from 1955-93, was interviewed last week at his kitchen table for the Oxford Community Television (OCTV) program ‘My Life,? hosted by John Oetjens. Born in Owosso in 1926, ‘the last and best? of four children as he humbly puts it, Sherman shared his life story, which included serving in the U.S. Navy during World War II, meeting the love of his life and raising a family, and establishing a local publishing empire that came to include the Oxford Leader, Lake Orion Review, Clarkston News, Davison Index, the Ad-Vertiser and the Penny Stretcher. Folks can experience more of the same wit, wisdom and humor found in Sherman’s weekly ‘Jim’s Jottings? column by tuning into ‘My Life,? which airs at 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and again, at 10 a.m. Saturdays. Part I of Sherman’s episode is already airing this week. Part II will start airing on Monday, Aug. 25. OCTV is Channel 191 for Charter cable subscribers and Channel 99 for viewers with AT&T U-verse. Photo by C.J. Carnacchio.

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