LO Farmers? Market opens June 18

Experience the outdoor market season in the place making and social atmosphere every Wednesday in the village beginning June 18 as the Downtown Lake Orion Farmers? Market kicks off a freshly made-over sixth season.
The Orion Art Center has taken over facilitating the market and hired Heather Muzzy as the new manager this spring. Meanwhile, it is still supported by the Downtown Development Authority.
The market is also proud to announce that Crittenton Hospital is a generous season-long sponsor of the market. The Art Center is home and hub to many event operations and will be open along with nearby green spaces surrounding South Anderson Street where parking was recently expanded. You may cross the footbridges over Paint Creek to Children’s or Meeks Parks or take a run or bike ride to the Paint Creek Trail heading south from Atwater.
There are a variety of exciting new and perennial favorite vendors who will grow your knowledge about healthy food and lifestyle habits. Spending your dollars with locally owned businesses keeps the profit in your community and maintains economic stability where you live.
Stop by every week as the vendors and vendor selection will varies week to week. Our early season product selection includes freshly picked veggies and berries, organic eggs, chicken and meats. You don’t want to miss out on the locally sourced raw honey and maple syrup or hand crafted items such as cheese, seasonings, jam, gourmet spices, fresh and dry pasta, oils, sauces, granola, dog treats and bowl risers, laundry soap, a variety of bread, baked goods, gluten-free mixes plus so much more!
Muzzy is promoting creative themes for each week to stir up fresh, family-friendly fun each Wednesday afternoon and early evening through October.
The June 18 Season Opener and Ribbon Cutting with Basketball America will provide a volleyball net on site and a friendly game of horseshoes in the near-by pit. Bring light colored t-shirts or other fabric items for a Sharpie Tie Die fun with the Orion Art Center volunteers.
June 25 Artisans, Crafters and Upcycling
July 2 Picnics and BBQ
July 9 Fire, Police and Safety
July 16 Bicycling
July 23 Artisans, Crafters and Upcycling
Need help with a gardening problem, or just have a general vegetation question? Come talk to our MSU volunteer Master Gardeners, located at the welcome table. You will also discover area non-profit organizations and local brick and mortar businesses that will be on site in a one-time Sidewalk Sale opportunities. This season will include more frequent speakers and discussion on a variety of learning opportunities and fitness groups you may join such as the Couth to 5K for new runners or bicycling leagues!
The Lake Orion Farmers Market runs on Wednesdays from 2pm-7pm June 18th.
We are still located near renovated Children’s Park in Downtown Lake Orion. Visit www.lakeorionfarmersmarket.com or like the active Facebook page for the latest news on upcoming vendors, products and activities.
If you or someone you know is interested in being a vendor, sponsor or volunteering email Heather Muzzy at manager@lakeorionfarmersmarket.com
Make the market your first choice for healthy options!

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