Local author donates books to Orion Township Public Library

By Katie Winkler
Review Staff Writer
After receiving a prestigious review, Orion Township author Ron Herron donated four of his books to the Orion Township library.
Prior to Herron’s Kirkus Review, the library was not interest in his donation, because, according to Herron, ‘when it comes to independently published books, there is a lot of junk out there. [The library] won’t put them in the collection unless they see a reason.? Kirkus Reviews is a literary site that is used by the media industry to find books to turn into movies and libraries use this site to find books to place in their collection. Kirkus just started reviewing independently published books within the last year.
‘Reichold Street,? published in 2012, was winner of 2012 Readers Favorite Gold Medal Winner, in addition to Kirkus. The ‘coming of age? story discusses a group of children growing up in the 60’s, dealing with family dysfunction and Vietnam War. The Patton family moves to Reichold Street with step-son Albert, who bring emotional scars of early parental loss and an aggressive attitude that abusive step-father with him. The novel follows this family and the strong friendships Albert creates with others on Reichold Street, according to ronherron.com.
Kirkus Reviews expresses Herron’s talent in ‘Reichold Street? by stating ‘The characters are bold, the plot twists surprising, and the point – that we never fully know a person or his story – heartbreakingly clear…Skillfully written and emotionally charged.? ‘Reichold Street? review was featured in their August, where only about 1 in 10 independent authors are usually featured, according to Herron.
Herron has been writing much of his life, initially for some magazines at the age 17. After retiring from his position as Marketing Operations Manager at General Motors, Herron has dedicated his time to writing, where he has published ‘One Way Street,? which is part of the ‘Reichold Street? trilogy that received a 5 star review from Readers Favorite, ‘Rinker,? fiction short stories, and ‘Zebulon,? fantast short stories that received the 2013 Readers Favorite silver award, in addition to ‘Reichold Street.?
‘Sometimes I read an article in the newspaper or someone makes a comment in conversation. I dream of character and figure out some personality traits for the character and put them in that situation,? Herron said. ‘I write because I have stories to tell.?
Herron’s novels are available to check-out at the Orion Township library and can be purchase on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

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