Captain’s Log, Stardate 19-02-2020: I’ve never trusted Klingons, and I never will. Other than that, I awoke (as opposed to being “woke”) from my slumber a few minutes of five to a clear, dark sky with twinkling stars and a quarter moon shining. First thing I heard on the National Public Radio news was about the 300 or so Americans who were quarantined for two weeks aboard a Japanese cruise ship.
Novel Coronavirus. The numbers as of Monday morning before eight, were there are over 71,000 people in the world infected with the coronavirus. Death toll, 1,775, which includes five people who lived and died outside the Chinese border.
The 300 Americans were airlifted off the cruise ship to two American military facilities where they will be isolated for 14 days to make sure they are not infected, and to curtail the disease’s spread.
At that early morning time my waking consciousness could only muster two questions:
1. Any cases of coronavirus in Michigan?
2. Do the 300 or so Americans lose their wages while they are quarantined for two weeks? If they are deemed not carrying the virus and still in the workforce, will they be docked vacation days?
Rush, out.
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According to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), “To date, there are no confirmed cases of 2019 Novel Coronavirus in Michigan. MDHHS has issued statewide messages through the Health Alert Network encouraging healthcare providers across Michigan to assess patients for exposures associated with the risk of 2019-nCoV infection, including travel to China or close contact with a confirmed case, and for symptoms consistent with 2019-nCoV infection. This includes coughing, shortness of breath and fever . . .
“The first U.S. case-patient was identified on Jan. 21, and had recently traveled from Wuhan, China. Since that time, additional cases have been confirmed in the United States among persons who traveled from Wuhan, and two close contacts of confirmed cases . . .”
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Monday was also Presidents Day. Many federal government folks and some bank employees enjoyed the day off from work. Did you know there is no federal holiday called Presidents Day?
Yup, It’s true. The federal workers are taking advantage of (George) Washington’s Birthday (Feb. 22) which is a national holiday (even though most folks don’t know it.) The U.S. celebrates Washington’s Birthday these days on the third Monday of February — which can fall between Feb. 15 and Feb. 21.
Abe Lincoln’s birthday, Feb. 12, is not a national holiday.
Is it Presidents Day or President’s Day or Presidents’ Day?
According to Google, “Saying ‘President’s Day’ implies the day belongs to a singular president, such as George Washington or Abraham Lincoln, whose birthdays are the basis for the holiday. On the other hand, referring to it as “Presidents’ Day” means that the day belongs to all of the presidents—that it’s their day collectively . . .” even the ones you don’t like.
Rumor has it that the Associated Press (AP) Stylebook goes with Presidents Day. I guess belonging to one or all presidents depending on what individuals think. Who woudlda’ thunk it?
(Sidenote: It is Valentine’s Day, not Valentines Day.)
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Hmm? Isn’t this effort afoot to abolish the Electoral College akin to Gerrymandering, only on a larger, nation-wide level?
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Another question which has been bouncing around between my ears of late: If it is against the law for people to lie to Congress, is it against the law for congress to lie to The People?”
Inquiring minds want to know.
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Recently, I read a post on social media (so you know it has to be true) stating folks are not ‘sposed to rinse their mouths after brushing their teeth. They are supposed to brush and then leave the residue from said brushing exercise unmolested as it’s good for the teeth.
If this is true, in what decade did this change occur?
Back in the day, when I was just a wee lad attending elementary schools of the Clarkston Community Schools District, we were given little red tablets to chew after brushing. When you chewed these tablets, they would leave red on the areas on your teeth that you didn’t brush good enough. Then you rinsed good enough to get the red out.
Yeah, thinking back, there were a lot of red smiles back in the day, too.
Any dentists out there have the definitive answer?
Send your comments, concerns or questions to DontRushDon@gmail.com
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