Before they were born, 15-year-old Oxford twins Chloe and Lily Boothe had an experience that would change their lives.
Being identical twins, they shared a placenta and Lily gave her blood to her sister, so Chloe grew much bigger than Lily while in the womb. The girls were then born prematurely, and the added circumstances were too much for Chloe’s brain. She developed cerebral palsy, and lives with scoliosis and seizures as well. Though they’re identical twins, Lily and Chloe live very different lives.
Lily and their older brother Gabe have grown into teenagers alongside their sister and have seen her struggle. They share a bond with Chloe that all siblings do, and they enjoy talking in their living room, dancing to music and watching movies together.
But when its time to visit an amusement park or stay in a cabin up north, Gabe and Lily usually have to leave their sister behind. So they decided to change that for one and, what they hope will be, an unforgettable trip.
With Chloe’s help, Gabe and Lily filled out two applications to Make-A-Wish on their sister’s behalf with the hopes of getting a family vacation they could enjoy together. Make-A-Wish is a national nonprofit that aims to give children living with critical illnesses experiences they’ll never forget. Some kids wish to be a police officer or basketball player for a day, some wish to meet a celebrity and others wish to take a trip somewhere magical.
“I wanted to turn in an application, and I told (Gabe), ‘Well why don’t we both do it? Because that will increase the chances of someone seeing it,’” Lily said. “(Chloe) helped us fill it out.”
After giving Make-A-Wish a few options and dates, the family was given a trip to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida for a few days next month. For them, the cherry on top is that the trip happens to fall on Chloe and Lily’s 16th birthday.
The family has been blown away by the care and thoughtfulness Make-A-Wish has given to Chloe’s needs and preferences. While they travel their food, transportation and hotel stay has been arranged with Chloe’s needs, wants and even simple things like favorite colors and Disney characters in mind.
“All of the thought that (Make-A-Wish) has put into everything has been really cool,” Kirsten Boothe, the teens’ mom, said. “I don’t think a lot of people realize how much thought they put into it.”
“It’s outstanding with everything they’ve done,” Gabe added. “They’ve been great not only for Chloe, but for everyone in our family.”

They’re all most looking forward to being able to travel and take some time off as a family, as that is rarely possible for them. With the cooler weather that October breezes bring, even to places as warm as Florida, they’re hoping to be able to enjoy Disney and give Chloe an experience she’ll never forget. Chloe indicated she is particularly excited to travel on an airplane for the first time.
“Chloe and I don’t go on a lot of trips because she doesn’t enjoy the same things Gabe and Lily might,” Kirsten said. “Travel in the car is hard, she can’t travel very long without being uncomfortable… It’ll be nice to travel as a family.”
Disney World in particular is an ideal vacation for someone in a situation like Chloe’s. While Chloe might not be able to ride a carnival ride at the county fair, Kirsten said the staff at Disney is trained to help people have fun and enjoy things to the fullest no matter what their physical status is. The family has been to Disney once in the past, and remembers being thankful for the staff’s attentiveness.
“We’ll get in line for a ride and staff will come over like, ‘How can she ride this?’ ‘What’s the best way?’ ‘What will make this the most fun?’” Kirsten said. “They took carts apart to put her wheelchair in, so Chloe could ride while she was in her wheelchair. We could hold her on our laps, or take part of her seat out. They’re just amazing with that.”
When the Boothes take off in a few weeks, they’ll leave all the “medical stuff” behind and get to have what Lily and Gabe have been looking forward to – a chance to put that beloved smile on Chloe’s face.
“Chloe’s a trooper,” Kirsten said.
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