Man arrested on third-time OWI offense

On the evening of July 6, a complainant on S. Broadway called LOPD to notify them of two men shouting profanities in the area of the Rustic Cabins.
The brief investigation would lead to the arrest of Kandy Jones of Pontiac for a third offense of operating while intoxicated.
Officers were dispatched to the location to search for the two individuals but were unable to locate either individual by themselves. Asking the manager of the cabin and his daughter about the incident, the officers were led to the lakeside where two men matching the callers description were seen on a pontoon boat. The officer drove to the dock to make contact with the two men.
When initially speaking to the men, LOPD officer Todd Stanfield asked for the men’s names, to which one obliged while the other simply replied, ‘God.? The man, later identified as Jones, was clearly intoxicated judging by his slurred speech and demeanor, Stanfield’s report said.
Questioning Jones’s companion, Stanfield learned the man had come over from the cabins earlier, asking for alcohol. After he was done drinking he began to swear loudly several times. Stanfield observed that Jones was in poor condition, and the third party told Stanfield he would walk Jones back to his cabin to ‘sleep it off.?
The officer checked quickly on Jones’s son, who was said to be in the nearby house. From the son, Stanfield learned Jones’s residence. Satisfied, he began to leave the property when he noticed a silver car driving the wrong way on a one way section of Heights Road. The vehicle parked, the driver exited and Stanfield saw the driver was none-other than Jones.
Stanfield began questioning Jones, who said he was coming to get his son so he could go to sleep and go home. Jones was swaying back and forth, his eyes were bloodshot and he occasionally rambled. He added he had two warrants – one for driving with no license.
Administering a number of sobriety tests after LOPD Chief Jerry Narsh and Oxford Police officer David Churchill arrived on the scene, Stanfield arrested Jones after he failed nearly every test. Stanfield then contacted Jones’s son’s mother to request a pickup of the boy.
During this process Jones became increasingly agitated, said he was trying to ‘fish the dirty fish out of the lake? and that he had come from heaven. He began talking about the devil, becoming increasingly loud, argumentative and profane. While Stanfield filled out the proper forms for attaining a chemical search warrant, Jones had to be repeatedly told to sit down and be calm.
During the blood draw Jones again became aggressive and had to be restrained. After attaining the blood, Jones was transported to Oakland County Jail to await his pre-exam conference on July 14.

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