After a closed session to discuss legal opinions on ordinances and to purchase property and board etiquette and procedural rules workshop, the Oxford Township Board got down to the business of their March 8 regular meeting. All trustees, Jonathon Nold, Margaret Payne, Rod Charles and Catherine Colvin as well as Supervisor Jack Curtis, Clerk Curtis Wright and Treasurer Joe Ferrari were in attendance.
Trustee Nold reported on four amendments recommended for Zoning Ordinance 67 A. The board will vote on a second reading and possible adoption at its next regular meeting, April 12.
After hearing from Clerk Wright, the board approved to allocate $25,000 of the American Rescue Plan Act for cemetery maintenance, tree removal, wall restoration and a new sign for Mt. Pleasant Cemetery and another $10,405 of ARPA funds for the purchase of fire radios for Fire Station #3.
The board approved starting the process of implementing a 10-year Special Assessment District for weed eradication of Paint Lake (formally Squaw Lake) Canal. There are 20 parcels in the district. There will be a public hearing on this at the April 12 meeting. Clerk Wright said the process should be completed by June.
The board approved sending a request to rezone property to the planning commission. The request was made by developer, M/I Homes which owns property on Lapeer Road north and south of Market Street. They wish to develop up to 45 townhome units. The planning commission will then either recommend to the board to approve or deny the request. Near the end of the meeting during public comments, five residents who live adjacent to the property spoke in opposition to the development.
The Safety Path Master Plan with new priorities for future expansion of the path systems.
The board approved the cost of $14,359 to install a new fire alarm system at the township hall on Dunlap Road. The job was given to the Thumb Alarm System of Imlay City.
The board approved the agreement between the North Oakland Transportation Authority and Oakland County. The three year contract will have the county paying NOTA $2,847,605 up front to maintain existing services of 17 routes, plus three additional routes. The expansion routes under consideration will go into Brandon and Independence townships. It will also pay to have the NOTA parking lot on Glaspie Street in Oxford Village to be improved.
Supervisor Curtis presented the board with an updated credit card policy for township employees. “If you see here we have four pages of a policy with more red-lines on it than black. This just brings it up to date, he said. The board approved the resolution to update.
For those living on gravel roads maintained by the county, the board approved this year’s Chloride Contract with the road commission for five applications. The township will pay 7.29 cents per foot.
Ed Birkmeier Well Drilling was awarded the contract to drill the well for Oxford Fire Station #3 on N. Lapeer Road, south of Oakwood. Birkmeier’s bid was $41,794.
The board approved having engineer Jim Sharpe determine the cost to repair deteriorating walls at Oxford Cemetery.
$24,550 was approved to upgrade the Oakland County Sheriff’s substation interview room.
The board approved having engineer Jim Sharpe determine the cost to repair the township hall parking lot and driveway.
The board accepted the offer of $15,000 for the purchase of an easement from Oxford Promenade for the purpose of constructing and maintaining the township’s north sewer line.
Supervisor Curtis reminded everybody that the April 12 meeting will be at the Lakepoint Community Church on W. Drahner Road. The meeting starts at 6:30. — Don Rush
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