It’s nice to know during the situation we all find ourselves in, that somethings can still be counted on. One, most folks are good folks. Living in a smaller community is a choice, and usually a good one because of neighbors helping neighbors. Be one of those good neighbors.
Two, I am gonna’ get e-mails over something I wrote. Some want to thank me and others want to spank me. So, let’s get to it. First from Lorene M., of Ortonville.
“Don, You’re going to get a lot of comments regarding the pandemonium of COVID-19. May I offer a couple of my observations? With all the professional sports at a halt, I believe the only competitive sport on TV will be shopping. I also think the new hostess gift or house warming gift will be a package of toilet paper. What’cha think? I haven’t seen this much running around in a panic since WWII broke out – which few of your readers are going to remember.”
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Hey Don – Not feeling the love? Well, you can rest easy. I know I’m one who appreciates your contribution to the press. I may be old school, but I still like to feel the paper between my fingers. It may get a little ridiculous from time to time, but from a local perspective, a home-town newspaper is still the way to go. I still can’t get used to reading everything online. I think the stuff we see online unless you know what you’re looking at or the right resource, has too much room for manipulation, leaving what you read susceptible to inaccurate information. Anyway, keep up the good work. I know I’ll continue subscribing to The Clarkston News — Bob C., Clarkston
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And, this one about the column I wrote at the beginning of the month. Before our situation started life was good, I promoted #MustacheMarch (which I just made up) and was having some fun. You know it’s gonna’ be a hum-dinger when the subject line reads: Sorry about the poor reception of your mustache
Hello, I’m sure it was unintentional, but your recent column was very disheartening. If I’m being honest, the only thing I kept thinking was “what audacity.” I assume this article was intended as a light-hearted, slightly cynical jab at an injustice you felt. Do you see no irony in your demand for autonomy and right to self-governance over your own body? Maybe try to remember this feeling next time a “radical feminist” is all-too-loudly and aggressively pointing out real and actual injustices towards women.
I think most women are supportive of a man’s right to look ridiculous. And the women that aren’t, do you honestly expect empathy? We live in a country where a group of mostly men tell us what we’re legally allowed to do and not do with our own bodies (emphasis on the word LEGALLY). I doubt you’d like a government full of women who decided every once in a while a man would be randomly selected and required to have a mustache permanently, whether he wanted it or not. Or maybe if you went to your doctor because you wanted to grow a mustache and your doctor wouldn’t allow it unless your wife gave legal consent.
Sadly, on Page 5 of this issue the Crime section writes about sexual abuse of a child. Let’s imagine this child was a twelve-year-old girl who became pregnant as a result of this abuse. There are multiple states that would mandate this sixth grader to carry and deliver this HIV positive, incestuous, rape baby. Imagine the trauma this child and her family feels, only amplified by a stranger saying you have to be physically reminded of the trauma for the next nine months. At 13-years-old, when your friends are gossiping about boy bands, you’re forced to decide whether to keep your baby or put them up for adoption. God forbid she have a boy, what if one day someone teases him about his mustache?
Side note to your comment about our grandfathers, great uncles and forefathers founding this great country; remember, the only reason it was founded solely by men was because discrimination refused us a seat at the table. Although, they didn’t seem to have a problem asking women to step up when factories needed workers because all the men were away at war. Luckily for us, when the men came home they let us go quietly back into the kitchens where we belonged. Oh, and we got to raise those babies we were having because there was no access to contraceptives.
Now more than ever, the US is a great place to be a women. There are still some hiccups but we’ll get there if we stop and think about each other once in a while. I’d even go so far to bet that women would happily stop trash talking your mustaches when men stop regulating our bodies.
Lastly, I assume this was an oversight, but are you aware that this column was published in the March 7th edition (of The Citizen)? International Women’s Day is March 8th. Nothing says “let’s work together to help eliminate discrimination towards women” like an anti-woman slap in the face the day before. Not to be confused with the actual slap in the face women used to receive because let’s not forget, hitting your wife used to be socially acceptable. I’m sure you’re very busy, no need for a response. And in case you’re wondering, International Men’s Day is November 19th. Respectfully, Alexandra.
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Thanks for reading and writing everyone. Keep me in the loop of all the good things you’re doing as we survive our times. DontRushDon@gmail.com
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