Addison Township’s emerging senior program passed a milestone last week, when approximately 60 residents attended its meet-and-greet event Jan. 30.
The event highlighted the new senior program, which is set to operate out of Addison Township Hall’s community room.
All senior activities will be planned and organized by Senior Coordinator Marie May, who was recently hired by the township to bring a little more excitement into the lives of local seniors through Addison Township Hall’s community center.
Addison residents ages 50 and above are invited to participate, according to May.
“The feedback I’ve gotten from the people that are coming in has been very (positive),” said May. “I’ve been asking them what (else) they’d like to see… Addison Township (employees) are just wonderful. The people here have always been wonderful, so I’m very happy (to be in this position).”
Attending seniors were equally thrilled to meet May and get a look at the community center.
Jan Davis, a 21-year resident of Addison Township, had plenty of good things to say about the growing senior program.
“Just looking at the calendar and everything that they’re offering here… I’ll definitely be back,” said Davis. There are a lot of interesting things (offered) here and the building is beautiful. It’s very welcoming,” said Davis.
For Addison resident Edward Davis, the open house served as proof of how far Addison Township has come over the years.
“The (Township Hall) is a major improvement over the old building and (the senior center) is very nice,” said Addison Township resident Edward Davis.
Local seniors are invited to pick up a new hobby and participate in various activities at the senior center regularly throughout each month.
Activities on the February calendar include regular euchre tournaments, computer classes, painting classes, bingo games and dancing lessons.
According to May, Monthly senior activity calendars will be available in the community room.
Mary Ellen Warner, who moved to Leonard two years ago after her retirement, said she’s been highly impressed by everything she’s seen from the township so far, including the Addison Township Library and the township hall.
“(Addison Township officials) are making a beautiful effort to get things off the ground. They are very welcoming and (worked hard to make) everyone aware (of the) activities (offered),” said Warner.
Warner added that she’s already marked her calendar for a few of the activities offered at the senior center.
“I’d like to try the painting class with my neighbor… get a good feel for how skillful we are or are not,” Warner said with a laugh. “We’re taking advantage of what’s being offered in the township. It’s lovely.”
According to May, she hopes to find senior citizens who are interested in sharing their knowledge with fellow seniors to teach classes throughout each month.
“Our seniors are so smart. We could all benefit from them… I’m taking input from the seniors on (what they’d like to learn) and I’m asking other seniors to teach it since we have so many talented seniors here,” said May.
Those interested in teaching a class or in learning more about Addison Township’s senior program should contact May at (248) 628-3388.
The community room/senior center is open Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
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