By James Hanlon
Leader Staff Writer
Loree Zenelock was appointed village clerk by the Leonard Village Council following the resignation of Cindy Grosskopf at the end of last month.
“I’ve worked with (Zelenock) on a number of items of concern and found her to be thorough and fair,” said Village President Mike McDonald, who recommended her appointment.
Zenelock moved to Leonard with her family about eight years ago. “I really liked the community,” she said. “It was just something we wanted, we loved the whole small-town feel of this area. So, I just tried to plug in as soon as I could to doing more with the community.”
She joined the Strawberry Festival Committee, which she is still on, then a year later she became a planning commissioner, so she comes to the job knowledgeable in village affairs.
The village clerk is a hybrid position, so Lenelock does most of her work from home and comes into the office as needed. The village treasurer, Judy Verse, staffs the office during regular hours. The clerk is a non-elected position.
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