By Dean Vaglia
Leader Staff Writer
Oxford Community Schools (OCS) received a $302,000 donation from Michigan high school sports programs on Sunday, March 20.
Accepted by OCS Athletic Director Tony DeMare at the Michigan Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association’s (MIAAA) annual conference in Traverse City, the money was raised over the course of February through a partnership between the MIAAA, Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) and Sterling Heights-based merchandise vendor E.A. Graphics.
E.A. Graphics printed “Oxford Strong” shirts and schools were able to purchase shirts at $20 per shirt, with $16.20 from each sale set aside for donation. “Oxford Strong” sporting events were held throughout February, with Feb. 4 designated as the primary day for wearing the shirts.
Along with E.A. Graphics, the Oakland Activities Association, the Kensington Lakes Activities Association and the Detroit Catholic High School League were the primary drivers of the program.
“We are overwhelmed and grateful for the outpouring of kindness, generosity and support,” Dani Stublensky, OCS public relations coordinator, said. “We have transferred the money over to the National Compassion Fund for disbursement to support the victims of the November 30 tragedy.”
According to the MIAAA, additional funds received will bring the total amount of the donation to $310,000.
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