By Wendi Reardon Price
Special to the Leader
Janelle Kaan’s birthday was a special one she won’t forget.
Kaan, a 2004 Oxford High School graduate, was at St. Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital in labor with her daughter, Hannah Elizabeth, who arrived at 5:15 p.m., weighing eight pounds and 4.7 ounces, at 20.75 inches long, July 25.
“It’s so cool,” Kaan said about sharing the same birthday only 33 years apart.

Hannah’s due date was July 19 and Janelle and Kyle patiently waited as the day came and went. Doctors were going to let Janelle go to 41 weeks, but Hannah decided she didn’t want to wait until July 26.
“She just wanted to share the day,” Janelle said.
Janelle spent the day before her birthday in labor and checked into the hospital at 11 p.m.
“I rang in my birthday in labor,” she said.
Hannah was also born at the same hospital Janelle not only was born at, but also works in pediatrics.
“The staff was amazing at St. Joe’s,” she said. “I think it was cool for my parents to experience that as well.”
The entire family was there to greet Hannah as she arrived which included grandparents Bill and Donna Parker, of Lake Orion, and Joe and Vicki Kaan, of Oxford; and aunts and uncles Kayle and Rocco Piacentini and Brad and Laura Kaan.
Janelle added when she found out she was pregnant she was beyond excited.
“Being a mom was something I always knew I wanted to be,” she said. “Kyle and I were so thrilled to be welcoming the first grandchild on both sides of the family.”
She added the feeling was amazing when she held Hannah for the first time.
“It’s the greatest blessing ever,” Janelle said. “Everyone always says, ‘you won’t understand that kind of love until you become a parent.’ When Hannah arrived I finally understood. The love I have for her is beyond measure! She’s just perfect. It makes it even more special I will get to celebrate my birthday with her every year.”
Janelle and Kyle are enjoying their new roles as parents even if they are tired.
“Kyle is amazing,” Janelle said. “He is a natural. He loves it.”
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