New Mason Master for 2004

Ortonville – When Earl Diem took an oath of leadership with the Ortonville Masonic Organization #339 he said ‘no one is a stranger to the Masons,? and promises the Masons will not be strangers to the community.
Among promises of distinguished kindness, morality, and faithful virtue, Diem hopes to be a good will ambassador to the community.
‘I would like to see the lodge put on more dinners so that we can raise money for charity work,? said Diem.
A nondenominational brethren of charity, the Ortonville Masons are educational promoters within the community and independently furnishing scholarships to academic achievers.
‘We want to want to see the community do well.?
During December 2003, Diem became the new Master Mason for the year 2004, replacing long time Ortonville resident Harold Dean.
Diem, who is a lifetime resident of Brandon Township, has been a Mason since 1996.
Although the Ortonville Mason membership roster has almost 100 active dues paying members, which Diem says is higher than most Mason districts, the regular attendees number in the low 20s.
Diem, however, said he intends to increase the membership during his next year as Mason Master, by being more visible in the community.
‘We’re missing a whole generation of people who are not being involved in community organizations,? said Diem.
‘It’s disconcerting to have so few people involved.?
Since the early 1700’s, under Article Codes for the Masons, they meet on the common ground in which men of different, yet strong religious convictions, are charged with an obligation to be good men? true of honor, and honesty by whatever denomination or persuasion they may be distinguished, in order to apply their principles to the problems of the day or the community.
Without quarrel, it is believed the men practicing these simple guidelines, Masons become the center of union and the means of true friendship, to cement the greater good of the community.
Having been a lifelong member of the community with a long standing family history of membership within the Masonic community, Diem looks forward to taking over the helm from past Master Mason Harold Dean.
‘I look forward to being the upcoming master this year,? said Diem.
Harold has led as Ortonville Master Mason for the past year.

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