Folk singer Watroba in Dryden
Folk singer Matt Watroba will perform at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Dryden on March 11, at 7 p.m. There is no admission charge, but a free will offering will support St. John’s community work.

“Many know Matt Watroba as the voice of folk music in Michigan for his work with WDET–Detroit Public Radio,” Parish Administrator Roxanne Todd said. “As producer and host of the Folks Like Us program, and the nationally syndicated, Sing Out Radio Magazine and Folk Alley, Watroba has encountered many aspects of folk music and culture. This has helped shape a repertoire and presentation that is unique on stages across the state and country.”
In 2019, Matt Was inducted into the Folk DJ Hall of Fame at the Folk Alliance International conference in Montreal.
For more information, visit the church’s website, or call 810-796-2371. St. John’s Episcopal Church is located at 4074 Mill St, one block off of Dryden Road. Parking is at the rear of the church on Union St.
Suicide prevention workshop
The North Oakland Community Coalition (NOCC) will present a community suicide prevention training this week. The train takes place at Defined Café on March 4, from 8:30 to10 a.m. Defined Café is located at 53 S. Washington St., Suite A.
NOCC helps develop and implement strategies to support mental wellness and prevent substance misuse among youth and families in Oxford and Lake Orion. They work with school districts to provide prevention activities for students, they also work with community groups and leaders to reduce risk factors in Oxford and Lake Orion, and increase the protective factors that support healthy children.
The NOCC will also welcome Anthony Grupido to the Lake Orion High School Performing Arts Center on March 17 for his presentation, The Magic of Hope! Anthony combines magic and his personal experience with anxiety and depression to make the stigma surrounding mental health disappear. This event is recommended for audiences 13 and up. This free presentation starts at 7 p.m. on March 17. Doors open at 6:30 pm.
Registration for both events can be found at
State of the Community Breakfast next week
Oxford Area Chamber of Commerce’s annual State of the Community Breakfast and Community Awards is March 8 at Independence Village of Oxford. Guest speakers slated to attend include Oxford Village Manager Joe Madore, Oxford Township Supervisor Jack Curtis and Isaac Wolf, Business Forward consultant with the Oakland County Department of Economic Development. Two locals will be recognized with the Chamber’s Leadership Awards, retired Oxford Fire Chief Pete Scholz and Oxford Township’s Communications & Grants Manager, CJ Carnacchio. The event is from 9 to 11 a.m. For ticket information call the Chamber at 248-628-0410.
Arrested for assault
A 40-year-old Oxford Township woman was arrested on Feb. 22 for assaulting her 30-year-old boyfriend. According to deputy reports from the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office, deputies were dispatched to apartments on Manitou Lane when the boyfriend called, stating his girlfriend had punched him in the mouth and hit him with a plastic cat carrier. After interviewing both and finding the dented cat carrier, the woman was arrested and transported to the county jail.
Reckless use of a firearm
A 40-year-old Oxford Township man was cited for reckless use of a firearm on Feb. 9. According to Oakland County Sheriff’s deputy reports, just before 8 p.m., deputies were dispatched to apartments on E. Market St. for a gun being fired inside one of the apartments. The reports said the man was installing optic sights on his 9mm Sig Sauer handgun when the gun fired, the bullet going into the floor. Deputies interviewed the man and neighbors in surrounding apartments, to make sure everyone was okay. There were no injuries and the report stated the bullet did not go through the floor. Deputies cited the man and told him to contact the 52-3 Oakland County District Court the following day.
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