Cars represent so much. Their very existence is a symbol of American innovation, cars are freedom to travel the open road and — my favorite — they are an extension of your personal brand.

Maybe it’s because I grew up in Michigan, but I’ve always loved cars. My parents (maybe foolishly) reinforced that love by buying me a brand-new Dodge Neon shortly after I turned 16. My love of cars quickly became a love of new cars, and as I’ve gotten older and my spending power has increased that love has only grown deeper. You know who else really loves new cars? Newspaper readers.
A January article in Editor & Publisher (E&P) solidified that fact sharing a recent multi-market analysis by The Media Audit that found newspapers ranked as a top media influence for automotive consumers, including those looking to spend more than $50,000 on their next vehicle.
From the article, “The study, based on The Media Day Analysis for Heavy Exposure to Media, reveals that 29% of adults 18+ who plan to buy or lease a new vehicle in the next year are heavily exposed to newspapers, placing print media among the most effective platforms for reaching engaged car buyers. Furthermore, newspapers demonstrate strong penetration among high-value buyers, including those intending to spend over $50,000 per vehicle.”
Our long-standing automotive clients like Jim Riehl Friendly Auto Group, Vic Canever Chevrolet, Shea Chevrolet, Randy Wise, Milnes Ford, Wally Edgar Chevrolet, Skalnek Ford, LaLonde Chrysler, Todd Wenzel Buick GMC and others can attest that newspapers are the best way to connect with their customers and in turn place frequent and consistent marketing messages among the pages for our 21 locally-owned community newspapers across the state of Michigan.
Newspapers ranked second in the survey only behind podcasts, which influenced 29.2% of adults looking to purchase a vehicle. From the article “Other media platforms, such as direct mail (24.7%), radio (22%), outdoor advertising (20.5%) — and TV at only 11.6% — rank lower in their ability to connect with potential car buyers.”
It is very interesting to note the combined power of newspapers and direct mail in reaching likely car buyers. The vast majority of View Newspaper Group’s printed newspapers are delivered to our readers by the U.S. Postal Service. While there is some overlap in car buyers’ media exposure, the analysis shows that print delivered via U.S. Mail holds significant influence with those buyers.
As we and all of our clients — both inside and outside of the automotive industry know — newspaper readers aren’t only shopping for cars. They’re shopping for food, healthcare, self-care, insurance, homes, furnaces, air conditioners, flooring, water heaters, finished basements, recreation, restaurants, appliances, pools, pest control, travel, schools, colleges, retirement homes, funeral services and so much more. Time and time again those clients place their advertising dollars and message within the pages our newspapers because newspapers prove to be the most effective place to connect with consumers.
The E&P article affirms this idea. “This data reinforces the enduring power of newspapers as a trusted and deeply engaging medium for consumers making high-value purchasing decisions,” said Phillip Beswick, CEO of The Media Audit. “For automotive marketers, newspapers remain a strategic and results-driven choice to reach informed and motivated buyers.”
The E&P article highlights another important fact that we talk about a lot at View Newspaper Group, media habits continue to evolve, and today that’s often driven by digital clutter. Clients need to put their marketing dollars and messages in a trusted source that holds’ a consumer’s attention long enough to share important brand attributes of their products.
From the article, “As media consumption habits evolve, traditional platforms like newspapers continue to prove their value — offering a highly targeted and trusted channel for high-intent buyers … These insights present a compelling opportunity for automotive advertisers, particularly in an era where digital clutter and fragmented media consumption pose challenges for brands looking to effectively engage consumers … ‘Newspapers provide that bridge, offering an environment of credibility and focused engagement that digital ads often struggle to match,’ added Beswick.”
And remember, newspaper readers have money to spend. From the article, “The Media Audit’s findings show that 11.5% of adults planning to spend over $50,000 on a vehicle are heavily exposed to newspapers.”
The team at View Newspaper Group knows that heavy exposure to newspapers is true for our readers, some of whom are served by not just one, but two View Newspaper Group publications in their community. Overall our products cover 13 Michigan counties reaching more than 335,000 households each week, plus an additional 500,000 monthly online readers. If you’re looking to connect with well-informed consumers who are ready to spend money on your product contact me at
And in honor of our shared love of cars, I need to know, what was your first car and what car are you shopping for next? Email me at
Emily Caswell is the Brand Manager for VIEW Group, the branding division of View Newspaper Group.
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