No more free PBTs

The party’s over for those folks who go to the Oakland County Sheriff’s substation in Oxford Township to take their court-ordered Preliminary Breath Tests.
Beginning March 1, the substation will begin charging $10 per test for Oxford residents and $20 for anyone who lives outside of the community.
The service had been free, but township officials last week voted 5-2 to begin charging a fee.
‘My problem is it’s gotten out of hand,? said Supervisor Bill Dunn. ‘We’ve got people from out of the county, from everywhere, coming to Oxford because it’s free.?
Dunn initially suggested that only non-Oxford residents be charged for PBTs. ‘They don’t support our police millage, our residents do,? he explained.
The board, however, thought everyone should pay a fee.
The Oxford Village Police Department also charges for PBTs, however, its fee is $3 per test for both residents and non-residents.

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