By Don Rush
Two weeks ago work commenced on repairing and reinvigorating the parking lot in Oxford Village’s Northeast quad. The new cement flatwork, stamped concrete, furniture, overhead lighting, an iron archway, sitting and play areas are all part of a Downtown Development Authority (DDA) plan to revitalize all the parking quads.
DDA Executive Director Kelly Westbrook said most of the work was made possible from a quarter million dollar grant the village received from the Consumer’s Energy Foundation last year.
According to a press release from Consumers Energy, Oxford and Muskegon Heights each received $250,000 for “major downtown and community transformations.” The grants are part of the foundation’s annual Prosperity Awards.
“These communities are committed to reinventing themselves and have developed plans to grow and prosper. The Consumers Energy Foundation is proud to give them the support they need with these Prosperity Awards,” said Brandon Hofmeister, president of the Consumers Energy Foundation. “These awards are designed to strengthen neighborhoods across the state and highlight our own commitment to Michigan’s businesses and communities.”
As a part of the project, this spring 2001 Oxford High School graduate Nick Hottmann painted a mural on a wall at the southside of GravCap Brewery. This social district will have new cement flat-work, an archway and lights will be added, seating, games for children and a removable fire pit. Hottmann’s mural’s message is “Oxford, Michigan” “You Belong Here.”
“I think in a week it should be finished,” Westbrook said. “Then in the next few weeks the lights and arch should go up. It should be ready by mid-August.”

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