By Jim Newell
Lake Orion Review Editor
A North Oakland Transportation Authority (NOTA) employee who allegedly embezzled thousands of dollars using the organization’s gasoline card is under investigation and could face criminal charges after the results are turned over to the county prosecutor’s office.
Lake Orion Police Chief Jerry Narsh said his department was in the process of concluding its investigation on Friday.
“We have performed a thorough investigation and will submit our findings to the prosecutor’s office for review,” he said.
On Monday, Narsh confirmed the LOPD had sent the findings of its investigation to the prosecutor’s office.
“NOTA has been extremely cooperative. The minute they found out there was an anomaly, they contacted us to begin an investigation,” Narsh said.
The female employee allegedly charged more than $5,000 in gas for personal use over an extended period of time. Narsh said he did not want to release any further details of the case until the suspect had been arraigned, which could take up to two weeks, or longer.
NOTA Director Lynn Gustafson did not want to comment, but did issue a statement on the incident:
“While changing out old fuel cards we discovered that one was unaccountable. We began researching the fuel card usage in detail online which shows more activity than the paper billing. In reviewing the records we discovered some random uses that fell outside the norm. We immediately shut down the card and started an internal investigation. During the internal investigation, we determined who we believed was responsible for the fraudulent activity. The employee was immediately suspended pending further investigation and the matter was turned over to the Lake Orion Village police department the same day (Feb 23, 2017).
“We have since instituted new policies and procedures to secure and monitor future gas card use.
“We are cooperating fully with the Lake Orion Village police department as they continue their investigation.”
Narsh said the general procedure is that the prosecutor’s office will review the results of the investigation. A warrant would then be issued for the suspect’s arrest if the prosecutor’s offices deems there is sufficient evidence. The LOPD would arrest the suspect and then there would be an arraignment before a judge or magistrate in district court.
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