By David Fleet
Special to the Leader
Brandon Twp. — Safety improvements to the intersection of Oakwood and Hadley roads are still on schedule to be completed in early September.
Senior Manager of Communications of the Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC), Craig Bryson said the contractor has completed the culvert replacement under the intersection, widened Oakwood Road to accommodate extended center left-turn lane, and put down the first course of asphalt on the newly expanded section.
The north township intersection has been closed since mid June.
“The new curbs and gutters have been installed, drainage improvements are complete,” said Bryson. “Next, they will mill the existing pavement and then put the final course of asphalt on the whole intersection. After that will come the new striping and signs.”
According to a press release from the RCOC, before road work began, about 7,200 cars crossed that intersection daily. The project was estimated to cost $2.14 million.
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