Ortonville Curves club members donate food

Brandon Twp – Last week, fitness members from Curves for Women of Ortonville broke their own record by donating more than 2,000 pounds of groceries to the St. Anne Food Pantry.
As part of an international Curves food drive, called ‘Food for Friends,? Curves owner Rita Skelly offered to waive service fees for one week to all those who brought in bags of groceries.
In addition, Skelly offered a raffle-style contest, giving T-shirts to members who also brought food in by the bag.
The incentives paid off, because on March 30, Skelly and her staff delivered several truck loads of food to St. Anne’s.
‘It’s incredible,? Skelly said, ‘that the members donated more than double the amount of food that was donated in last year’s ‘Food for Friends? drive.
Throughout the year and across the globe, Curves members are challenged to donate food for those in need, however, according to Skelly, the numbers are staggering in the Easter time drive.
‘For some reason our Curve members make Easter donations the biggest,? Skelly said. ‘It’s really important to them and this year we more than doubled last year’s goal.?
While Skelly credits Curves International for providing donation incentives, she says the real credit for generosity goes to the Ortonville Curves members, for taking the time to donate over 2,000 pounds of food, and help deliver it to St. Anne’s Food Pantry.

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