By James Hanlon
Leader Staff Writer
Here it is: the winner of our scarecrow contest! This eight-foot Sasquatch scarecrow belongs to Paul and Cindy Marshall of Oxford.
A few years ago, Paul noticed some neighbors down the road had some funny Big Foot cutouts on the side of the road. He thought it would be fun to make one too, so he cut a silhouette of the legendary ape out of a piece of plywood.
“I had an old can of black paint and it was almost totally hard. I just dumped it out on top of the plywood and used the putty knife to smear it around and it turned out pretty good,” Paul explained. The old paint gave it a patchy, furry look.
“We move him around the yard, people crack up,” Cindy said of their Granger Rd. friend.
The Sasquatch does more than just scare crows away from the garden, they dress him up for holidays too. At Easter, it had a basket and a bonnet. More recently, he wore a mask for the coronavirus. “He’s a social distancing champion,” Paul said.
“It likes pickles,” said their grandson, Luke.
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