Downtown Development Authority
village of oxford
balance sheet- (full accrual)
june 30, 2014
Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents $ 49,937
Receivables, net (personal property taxes) 18,821
Due from other Governmental Units 5,537
Prepaid expenes (bond debt) 58,118
Total current assets 132,413
Noncurrent assets
Captial assets not being depreciated (land) 1,395,050
Captial assets being depreciated,
net of depreci 1,152.368
Total noncurrent assets 2.547,418
TOTAL ASSETS 2,679,831
Current liabilities
Accounts payable 7,315
Due to other governmental units –
Accrued interest payable 23,815
Current portion of compensated balances –
Current portion of long-term debt 95,752
Total Current liabilites 126,882
Net Current Assets less Current liabilities 5,531
Ratio 1.04
Non current liabilities
Noncurrent portion of long-term debt 1,102,440
Noncurrent portion compensated balances –
Total non current liabilities 1,102,440
Net investment in capital assets 1,349,226
Unrestricted 101,283
Fund Balance – Operating Fund – modified accrual
Prepaids 58,118
Unassigned 45,659
Total Fund Balances $ 103,777
For Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2014
Pursuant of DDA Act 197 of 1975 Section 15 (3)
A) The amount and source of revenue in the account: 6/30/2014
Property Tax: $ 380,871
Intergovernmental – Local 5,029
Interest Earned –
Other Revenue 10,947
Total Revenue $ 396,847
B) The amount in any bond reserve account
Loan Proceeds $ –
C) The amount and purpose of
expenditures from the account
Community Development $ 152,875
Debt Service 147,621
Capital Outlay – net –
Total Expenditures 300,496
Net Change in Fund Balance 96,351
FUND BALANCE, beginning of year 7,426
FUND BALANCE, end of year $ 103,777
D) The amount of principal and interest on any outstanding bonded indebtedness
E) The initial assessed value of the
project area
Real Property SEV $ 4,959,500
Personal Property SEV 591,675
Total Initial Assessed Value $ 5,551,175
F) The captured assessed value retained
by the authority
Captured Real Property $ 13,749,900
Captured Personal Property 2,101,435
Total Captured Value $ 15,851,335
G) The tax increment revenues received
From Village $ 164,287
From Township (General, Parks & Rec,
Library, Fire, County) 207,082
Delinquent Taxes from County 9,502
Total Tax Increment Revenues Received
$ 380,871
H) The number of jobs created as a result
of the implementation of the tax
increment financing plan
Estimated Jobs Created 25
I) Any additional information the governing
body or the state tax commission
considers necessary
Total Net Capital Assets $ 2,750,789
Source 2011-2014 Audit
For information call: 248-628-2543
Oxford Downtown Development Authority
Job description:
This is a part-time position, 20 – 25 hours per week, reporting to the Executive Director of the Oxford Downtown Development Authority. The weekly schedule shall be flexible to accommodate any evening and/or weekend activities that require the Event Coordinators presence. This is a contract position, and the person filling this position will be a liaison with the DDA committees as well as maintain organization within the DDA office enabling efficiency and productivity.
Event planning experience, excellent communication skills and the ability to establish professional working relationships is required. This position deals with businesses located within the DDA district, Oxford Township, Village officials and other community leaders and associations. Educating the community about events as well as sponsorship and volunteer opportunities is required.
Responsible for mailings and distribution of materials pertinent to scheduled DDA events.
Possess a working knowledge of computers and appropriate computer programs such as, but not limited to Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher, and Outlook. Basic administrative tasks required and organizational skills a must while maintaining a positive attitude and possess the ability to multi-task while performing job.
This employment is ‘at will? and that the employment relationship may be terminated by the DDA at any time, without cause and without prior notice to the employee.
Please submit resume to : Oxford DDA, 22 W. Burdick St., Oxford, MI 48371
Resumes must be received in the DDA office no later than 4:00pm, Friday, December 21, 2012. Interviews will be scheduled to begin in January, 2013
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that proposals for accounting and auditing services for the Oxford DDA will be accepted in the DDA office or the Village Managers office. Both offices are located at 22 W. Burdick, Oxford, MI 48371. Proposals accepted on or before Feb. 10, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. Detailed information packets also available in the both offices. All proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked: “Oxford DDA – Accounting and Auditing Services Proposal”.
The proposal should include the applicants overall qualifications, experience and references. Fee schedules and rates should include proposals for one, three and five years. For further information contact the DDA office (248) 628-3095 or the Village offices (248) – 628-2543 or email: manager@
The Oxford DDA reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, and to waive any informalities or technicalities regarding the proposals when deemed to be in the best interest of the Oxford Downtown Development Authority.
Madonna Van Fossen
Executive Director
The Oxford Downtown Development Authority
Proposal Tabulation Sheet
Name Phone 1 year 3 year 5 year
The Oxford Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is seeking bids for snow removal services during the winter season (approximately December 8th through May 15th).
The scope of work includes the following areas of the property to be maintained when snow accumulates 2? or more, Monday through Sunday or as service is requested: Parking lots located in the 4 quadrants of downtown Oxford; the fronts and backs of businesses located in the 4 quadrants; and the sidewalks on M24 located to the north and south of the 4 quadrants. Also included in the scope of work is the transport of all snow collected from – parking lots, sidewalks, front and rear entrances of businesses, to a designated area.
Bid packets are available from the Oxford DDA office located at 22 W. Burdick Street (in the Village Offices building, entrance in the rear). Contractors must submit SEALED BIDS on or before Wednesday, December 1st, 2010 by 4:00 p.m. Please mail or drop off the sealed bids to the Oxford DDA office marked: Attention – Madonna Van Fossen. Questions, please contact the DDA office 248-770-8587. Bids will be awarded at a special DDA Board meeting that will be held on Tuesday, December 7th at 9:00 a.m.