OXFORD TWP. — The Oxford Fire Department is hosting free monthly CPR classes to help prepare

attendees should an emergency situation arise.
“Friends, families, neighbors, coworkers, classmates, sports teams, club members, etc. are strongly encouraged to sign up for the free monthly CPR classes happening at Oxford Fire Station #1,” said C.J. Carnacchio, Oxford Township communications and grants manager.
Register online at tinyurl.com/yzsryjt4. The next class is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 6 from 6-8 p.m. As of Monday, there were still 12 slots available. CPR classes are also scheduled from 6-8 p.m. March 6 and April 4.
“Since September 2023, a total of 174 people have participated in this free program and learned valuable lifesaving skills that will enable them to spring into action should they encounter someone who’s experiencing a cardiac arrest or choking,” Carnacchio said.
Classes are limited to 20 participants each. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Classes are held at 96 N. Washington St. Register for the classes at tinyurl.com/yzsryjt4.
A $12,465 grant from the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan and a $1,600 donation from the Chaldean Community Foundation paid for the CPR training equipment and instructor time for this program. Carnacchio and Oxford Fire Capt./EMS Coordinator Kevin Snell worked together to secure the grant.
For questions about the classes call Oxford Fire Station #1 at 248-969-9483 and ask for Capt. Snell. – J.N.
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