Oxford forms Emergency Task Force

A new 17-member task force consisting of representatives from the township, village, school district and chamber of commerce was recently established to handle any and all emergency situtations that may arise in Oxford’s future.
Dubbed the ‘Community Emergency Task Force,? the body was the brainchild of township Supervisor Bill Dunn, who proposed it to the village council Feb. 11.
The supervisor conceived the idea after the presence of total coliform bacteria was detected in the township’s water system.
‘That situation made me realize that Oxford needs a body of local leaders and professionals, who represent every area of the community, to meet regularly to discuss and plan for all emergency situations, big and small,? Dunn said. ‘The recent ice storms only reinforced and magnified the need for this kind of group.?
The task force’s main purpose is to come up with overall emergency plans to cover everything from water contamination to bad weather to terrorist attacks, Dunn said.
‘We want Oxford to be ready for anything,? he said.
Dunn said he envisions the task force ‘improving communication? between the various governing bodies, departments and groups it represents.
‘In an emergency, it’s important for everybody to be on the same page,? he said. ‘If we all know our roles in an emergency and work off plans we created together, then we can avoid confusion, misinformation and duplication. It’s all about coordinating our efforts more effectively to help keep our residents safe and sound.?
Greater communication between local governments and officials will lead to ‘better informed? residents, Dunn said.
‘We can’t expect our residents to know what’s going on or what to do in an emergency, if we don’t know or have planned ways to notify the public,? the supervisor said.
Dunn said the task force met for a ‘brainstorming? session on April 11.
At that meeting, the committee members decided who should be included in the task force (members are listed in the shaded box to the right), discussed the township’s recent water problems and the ice storms, and talked about the best ways to notify residents of an emergency situation.
‘We’re off to a good start,? he said. ‘A lot of good ideas were proposed.?
Like any committee, Dunn noted the task force is only a recommending body and any plans it formulates must come before the representatives respective boards for final approval.
Other local officials/task force members agreed with Dunn about the need for this new committee.
‘I think it’s long over-due to plan for the unlikely event of any kind of disaster,? said Task Force member Steve Allen, who serves as village council president. ‘With the current emphasis on Homeland Security, the time is right. The resources, both informational and monetary, are there to plan.?
The Community Emergency Task Force is slated to meet from 1-3 p.m. on the second Friday of every month at the Oxford Veterans Memorial Civic Center (2nd floor).
The body’s first group of appointees have terms that begin May 9, 2003 and expire on April 9, 2004.

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