Seeks volunteers for spring cleanup
By James Hanlon
Leader Staff Writer
After cancelling last year’s spring cleanup because of the coronavirus, Oxford Gives Back is back. This year’s cleanup will be April 24-25.
The Oxford Community Schools affiliated service organization is student-led, with a mission of “building community relationships while motivating youth to exhibit leadership by making a positive impact on their own communities.”
Volunteers spend the weekend helping local elderly, infirmed, impoverished and single parent homeowners in need of housework or yardwork. 42 homes have signed up so far. If you or someone you know is in need of help with spring yard work, please contact the Oxford Gives Back team to sign up by emailing oxfordgivesback@gmail.com or calling 248-605-0858.
The project is completely powered by volunteers and community sponsors who are dedicated to improving their community and strengthening relationships in Oxford.
Folks can volunteer through SignUpGenius at the following link: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/5080d4ca9ac22aaf85-oxford3. (Or scan the QR code with your smartphone.) The signup has slots for various morning and afternoon shifts at different home addresses. Adults interested

in having a larger role in the event can sign up as Site Leaders.
“Our check-in center is going to be a drive through instead of having it in a building,” said OHS senior Gracie Fritsche, a member of the leadership team. “Normally our check-in center would have food and crafts along with the distribution of our supplies but this year it will only be the distribution of tools via drive-through. We are also hoping everyone will social distance at the houses and wear masks to protect themselves and others.”
The check-in will either be in the north side parking lot at Oxford High School. Volunteers can report directly to their assigned homes, but should still stop by the check-in center before or after their shift to grab an OGB 2021 t-shirt.
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