‘The end of our work here isn’t done’
By Don Rush
Industrialists, small business owners, educators and managers. Over the years the men and women of the Oxford Rotary Club have worked to make Oxford and the world a better place.
“Over the last few years, we have actually shifted our goals to work more locally,” said the club’s current president, Bryan Cloutier (who is also Oxford Library Director).
According to Oxford Leader archives, the Oxford Club was officially chartered “Rotary International Club No 4519” on December 17, 1937. However, except for looking at the Charter, local Rotarians look at January 20 as their anniversary date. That’s when the charter party took place. And, what an inaugural party it was. Some 350 people came to the then-reasonably new Oxford High School Auditorium on N. Washington St (about where Oxford Fire Station #1 is now). All the clubs in Rotary District 163 were represented. Dr. G. E. “Steve” Meads was the Oxford Club’s first president, and the only one to ever serve two terms. Ray Allen was vice president, Frank Olive, treasurer, Ed Hagerman, secretary and Harold Gark, George Tunstead and Joe Achten were directors. Actually, all the officers served two terms.
They are more than just a business networking group, though strong business relations have been created by those who have joined.
With a motto of “Service about Self,” Rotary International has worked tirelessly aiding crippled children. The Oxford club devoted much of their first year to this effort. Through the years Oxford Rotary has contributed many dollars and a lot of time to area, county, state and national crippled children and programs for them. Also, in that first year, Oxford Rotary sponsored the Lake Orion Club, much as Romeo had sponsored Oxford. Oxford Rotary members have made their club one of fun and fundraising. For several years they invited area farmers to a banquet. Teachers, too, have been their guests, as have area seniors.
Currently, the club is accepting applications to Oxford High School senior scholarships. The deadline is April 14. Applications can be obtained by calling Cloutier or going to the high school counselors’ office.
Oxford Rotary recognizes students’ high academic standings, has offered student loans, gives scholarships, has contributed to Camp Oakland, and individually and collectively assists students here and around the world. Oxford Rotary’s strong contributions to the Rotary International Paul Harris Foundation, named after the founder, directly pay for U. S. students to study overseas and students from foreign lands to come here.
“We have also gone abroad to provide solar power and clean water with pumps and wells,” club treasurer Mickey Hiatt said.
Here are some of the causes locally Oxford Rotary has helped over the last 85-plus years: donated to the splash pad at Seymour Lake Township Park; free eyeglass clinics for veterans; assist Oxford Fire Department’s community smoke alarm program; donate to Oxford/Orion Fish, OHS choir and band, Oxford Addison Youth Assistance, Oxford baseball league, and Oakland County Crippled Children. Rotarians have, of course, made considerable contributions to the development of the community.
Club members have been leaders in village, township and school governments, served on committees of all three, worked as members of other local groups, and helped promote Oxford through the Chamber of Commerce.
Rotarians also recite their four-way test, which is what Rotary is all about: First, is it the truth? Second, is it fair to all concerned? Third, will it build goodwill and better friendship? Fourth, will it be beneficial to all concerned?
The Oxford Rotary Club meets at noon on the second and fourth Tuesdays at the Red Knapp’s American Grill, located at 2 N. Washington St., in downtown Oxford. For more information about the Oxford Rotary Club, or to join call Cloutier 248-628-3034 extension 211.
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