Oxford Township Parks & Rec. website gets redesign

By Dean Vaglia
Leader Staff Writer
Oxford Township Parks and Recreation’s website was redesigned late last year.
“Basically it is all of the same information, just a little nicer looking,” Lauren Smith, recreation supervisor for enrichment and special events, said.
The move comes as the original site hosts I.T. Right moved away from website hosting, shifting that responsibility over to Shumaker Technology Group (STG). STG reached out to Oxford Township Parks and Recreation over the summer, eventually redesigning the website.
STG’s redesign is not so much a complete overhaul but more of a refresh, though the front page has several new features. One of the more prominent additions is a calendar near the bottom of the page showing off all the month’s events, senior events and senior travel days.
The process of updating the website was hassle free and Smith says there have been no issues updating the site after it went live back in early December.
“I think it’s more user friendly and a fresh design,” Smith said.
The website address is oxparkrec.org.

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