Oxford Township regular meeting wrap-up

By Don Rush

All trustees of the Oxford Township Board were on deck for the Oct. 12 meeting.

After the Pledge of Allegiance, two residents of the Oxford Woods Subdivision asked the board to consider passing a grass and noxious weeds ordinance. Later in the meeting, the board agreed to look into the matter.

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Oxford Fire Chief Pete Scholz told the board his contract with the township expires on Dec. 31, at midnight. “After a lengthy period of consideration, I have decided not to seek a renewal of my contract and I will be retiring at the end of the year. I have completed 14 years as chief of the Oxford Fire Department, while serving on the department for 46 years. I leave the fire department reassured by the knowledge that it will continue to grow and provide excellent level service that the Oxford community expects. The department has a staff of highly trained and experienced individuals.”

He then recommended the board hire Assistant Fire Chief Matt Majestic as the new fire chief. The board accepted his resignation with “regret.”

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Following the resignation, the board moved to promote Majestic to Fire Chief as of Jan. 1, 2023. A new contract is to be brought before the board at its Dec. 14 meeting. They will also start the process of interviewing to fill Majestic’s assistant fire chief position.

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Supervisor Jack Curtis read Jim Sharpe’s Engineering report. From that the board was updated on the following: trees have been cleared for the development of Fire Station No. 3, on N. Lapeer Rd., south of Oakwood; M-24 sanitary sewer special assessment district, the design will be completed this month, easement and permitting process will begin in November. Bids will be let in early 2023. Maloney Street bridge structure has been set, Oakland County road commission continues to work on break walls and preparing the road for paving – the project should be completed by late November. The Safety path project from Ray to N. Oxford Rd. has been designed and ready to be bid. Seymour Lake road is applying for a path to Seymour Lake Park. Manitou Hills residential hills projected 18 homes, road paved in mid November.

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The Safety Path Maintenance Bid from Aaron’s Lawn In Order was approved for $20,000.

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Approved Treasurer Joe Ferrari’s motion to amend the township’s Investment Policy, allowing two additional banks to be used by the township.

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The board approved resolutions to apply delinquent water, sewer and road fees. Delinquent water fees totaled $72,218.70; delinquent water administrative fees to five percent, totaling $3,610.94; delinquent water tap in fees for Riverwalk, $2,760.28; drain and lake level fees, $38,068.49; Indianwood Lake level fee, $1,031.44; weed control for Squaw Lake Canal, $3,137; weed control for Clear Lake an Squaw Lake, $14,125; weed control for Lake Mickelson, $21,350; weed control for Cedar Lake, Long Lake and Tan Lake, $30,850; delinquent sewer fees totaled, $121,455.24; Elk View Estates Special Assessment District, $8,355.97; delinquent Oakland County road fees, $11,500.77

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Approved the 2023 Holiday scheduled with 11 holidays observed with township offices closed.

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Approved Halloween hours for 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Monday, October 31.

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The board renewed the township’s Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance.

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The board approved purchasing new software for the building department – Planning, Zoning and Engineering. The software allows for “real time” updates. The cost for the BS&A software is $5,500.

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Oxford Woods No. 3 water treatment plant pump failed and needed to be replaced. The cost was $40,000.

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Authorized Cemetery committee to purchase trees for the Oxford Township Cemetery on north side of W. Burdick St. The cost of the trees to be paid for from the township’s share of the American Rescue Plan Act.

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The board approved $300,000 to repair the water system vessel repair for the township’s water filtration plant.

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