By James Hanlon
Leader Staff Writer
Seymour Lake Township Park has a new community garden, thanks to a $10,000 grant from the Four County Community Foundation and community volunteers who planted it on May 26. Many individuals and organizations volunteered in shifts throughout the day.
The 10,000-square-foot garden located in rear of park by the maintenance facility off Coats Rd. consists of all kinds of tomato varieties, peppers, cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, cucumbers and squash. Harvest Time Farm Market and Pet Stuff in Oxford Township donated 10 flats of vegetables and two flats of herbs.
The veggies and herbs harvested from the garden will be donated to the Free Meals program based at Immanuel Congregational United Church of Christ in Oxford Village and to the cooking classes offered at the Oxford Senior Center.
Going forward, folks can volunteer for time slots to help maintain the garden on SignUpGenius, through a link from oxparkrec.org. Now that the garden is planted, shifts will mostly be watering and weeding for the next few months, until harvesting begins in late summer, according to Dawn Medici, travel and senior coordinator for Oxford Twp. Parks and Rec.

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