Village planner says site could have 32 townhouses
By Joseph Goral
Staff Writer
OXFORD — The Oxford Village Council voted 3-1 to approve rezoning Washington Triangle from single-family residential use to multi-family use during its meeting on July 9.
Council member Jacob Nicosia cast the lone nay vote.
The village’s planning commission recommended the rezoning during a meeting on June 18. The issue will now be sent back to the planning commission for review.
Thirty-two townhouses could be built on the site based on a developer’s proposal, according to comments village planner Mario Ortega made during the planning commission meeting on June 18.
The site is located northwest of the intersection between Minnetonka Drive and Mechanic Street.
“One of the things you should be aware of is that if in the future that this development doesn’t happen or this development ceases to be there, the zoning would go back to the zoning that it was,” village attorney Bob Davis said.

President Pro-Tem Allison Kemp said she listened to the planning commission meeting and weighed public comments regarding the rezoning.
“Obviously this is not a simple issue, and as someone said change is inevitable, but is not always fun,” Kemp said. “I do think there’s some issues that need to be ironed out in the site plan, but I do trust that the planning commission will iron those out with our fire safety and whatnot, and make sure all those issues are taken care of.”
Four residents voiced their opinions over the rezoning during public comments. Two voiced disapproval over the type of proposed development.
One Oxford homeowner said while she knows it will be developed, she is concerned about the possibility of townhouses being built instead of single-family homes.
Residents also said they are also concerned about an increase in traffic the development could create, with one saying she is imagining an intersection similar to the one located at Drahner Road and M-24. Other concerns included enough space for emergency vehicles.
One resident who spoke in support of the project said he believes the development is an opportunity to open Oxford to more people, and that town homes would be more environmentally friendly than single-family homes, increase walkability and would bring in more tax revenue to Oxford.
The planning commission’s next meeting is at 7 p.m. on Aug. 6 at Oxford Village Hall.
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