Parents/Guardian: Stacey Volante and Rick Donovan
GPA: 4.17
Favorite Subject: Student Leadership
Extracurricular Activities: I am a member of the National Honors Society, Captain of the Oxford Varsity Dance Team, dancer at LA Dance, member of the MASC/MAHS Student Board of Delegates, leadership Executive Board Member and an employee at You, Me, and Bubble Tea.
Interests and Hobbies: I love to cook, bake, dance, watch movies, make tik toks, paint, and write poetry in my free time.
Plans After Graduation: After graduation, I will be attending either Grand Valley State University or the University of Michigan for a degree in Public Policy.
When I think of the future: I am ecstatic for everything that is to come.
How have you grown as an individual during your years at OHS? I have dealt with a lot of difficult things throughout my time at Oxford High School, but these past four years have made me into the strongest and most resilient version of myself, and I feel I am highly capable to tackle any challenges that come my way.
What most concerns me about the world is: The lack of unity and our inability to meet in the middle on important issues that are damaging our earth and our society.
What advice do you have for incoming freshman? Make the most of every moment. Four years goes by like four minutes.
My greatest achievement so far has been: Externally, my greatest achievement has been the opportunity to run for, and become a member of, the MASC/MAHS Student Board of Delegates, a selective group of 30 student leaders across the whole state of Michigan. Internally, my greatest achievement so far has been my ability to find ways to thrive through hardships, and be able to balance these difficult things in my personal life with all of my commitments and obligations, while helping others along the way.
I look forward to contributing to my community by: Helping put on events that bring people together for one common goal, and inspiring unity in our town (and hopefully one day the nation, Ally D 2036).
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