Stephanie Gilling
Parents: Donna and Stephen Gilling
GPA: 4.157
Favorite Subject: Wind ensemble and all things band
Plans after graduation: Research how to improve educational techniques for kids with learning challenges by studying as a psychology major.
Extracurricular Activities: The spring musical and fall play, marching band, cross country, SEED Club, and golf.
Outside Interests or Hobbies: Running, drawing, and all outdoors activities from kayaking to camping.
What did you learn about yourself while living through the shutdown? No matter what, it’s up to me to be productive and happy; it was hard to adapt but eventually became fun to try new things with the extra time (including cooking and juggling).
How have you grown as an individual during your years at OHS? Aside from learning what a mitochondria is, I became more aware of who I wanted to be. I discovered how much I love helping others learn and how amazing it is to collaborate with others to perform or conduct something together.
What change in the world would you make right now? Right now, I’ve been able to volunteer as an assistant teacher at my elementary school and hope to continue helping others in the future in any way I can.
What advice do you have for incoming Freshman?
Always say, “yes.” Every opportunity will give you something if you let it.
My greatest achievement so far has been. . .
Either being able to perform in the musical every year and becoming one (of two) horns in first chair or building a massive lego rocket in one day.
I look forward to contributing to my community by . . . Helping others explore their own interests and being there for anyone who needs a friend, guide, helper, or someone to simply make them smile.
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