10 Years Ago
March 17, 2010
Last week, the Oxford Township board voted 7-0 to award the sale of $5.465 million in refunding bonds to Fifth Third Securities, Inc. The new bonds will save taxpayers $488,000 on library and fire bonds.
Congratulations to Daniel Axford Elementary kindergartner Kayla Casper and second-grader Zain Khambaty for winning first place in their respective grade levels in the 2009-10 “Yak’s Corner Favorite Book Character” contest. Yaks’ Corner is an educational kids’ feature published in Detroit’s daily newspapers.
Members of an Oxford family have opened their home and their hearts to a Haitian family that runs an orphanage damaged-beyond-repair during the 7.0-magnituded earthquake that devastated the Caribbean island nation Jan. 12.
25 Years Ago
March 15, 1995
Leann Penn of Metamora delivered a baby in her car on the side of the road near M-24 and Oakwood. She and her husband Garry were on their way to Crittenton Hospital in Rochester.
Oxford Village agreed to join a cable consortium with Oxford and Addison townships.
Oxford High School All Night Party organizers are hoping a letter campaign will boost sagging financial support for the June 13 party.
50 Years Ago
March 11, 1970
If all goes well, an Ann Arbor man will begin to recover gold from Oxford area gravel pits in a year or so.
The Oxford Area Junior High School varsity band and chorus will perform in a winter concert tonight, at 7:30.
The home of Mrs. Donald Beens, of 1940 Lakeville Rd., Oxford, was broken into last Friday afternoon. Someone had pried the back door open with a screw driver. Several guns and tools were reported missing.

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